
Saw the movie yesterday,I thought it was pretty good although not a classic.I didnt hang around for the end credits so could someone PM me the twist that comes after.Many thanks
I'm not a huge X-Men, and I thought the movie was just ok. But I can see how true fans would hate it.
Death Blooms makes some great points. Now I don't know a lot about the X-Men, but I know a little, and I totally relate to Death Blooms 11th point. And yeah, great point in #2. I always had the understanding that his powers came from his helmet? But anyway, I think for casual fans, it was ok.
The thing I always keep in mind is that whenever a movie is made form a book or another means of entertainment it will almost never be as good as the original. I almost always assume it is never going to be as good as the hype surrounding it either. With that in mind I always go into it with a grain of salt so I'm never disappointed and in the few cases where it actually ends up good it becomes even that more enjoyable. Some people ask me if I would like some of things I read in books to be made into movies and most of the time my answer is no because I can tell almost all the time it will never be done to the full satisfaction of people that are hardcore fans of it. Although once in a while, a movie will surprise you.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
...not to mention that in making a movie, they simply don't have the time to do all the things done in the books, or especially comics; the relationship between Xavier and Juggernaut, for example, just wouldn't have fit in the movie. Even just a mention would have left non-fans saying "WTF?"

That said...hey. At least we got to see their super powers in great special effects.