Very cool! I watched 2 on FX the other night, I liked both 1 and 2 so far, I am looking foward to 3, and possibly 4 and the Wolverine move. He is my fav.tjay said:I watched an hour show on tv last night on X-Men and there is talk about a possible 4th movie depending on how well this one does. Also there is gonna be a Wolverine movie.
juballs said:i saw this movie this afternoon...
pretty good... but the ending makes it seem that there will be a number 4
also... any of you planning on seeing it... stick around after the credits for one more twist... trust me it is well worth it.
a police officer told me and my friends about the hidden scene... so we were very appreciative
Death_blooms08 said:The movie wasn't bad, but as an X-men fan since I was a kid, it felt like a big fuck you to all the true fans. All Ratner did was try to put as much action into the movie as possible and didn't even worry about developing a story. I haven't wanted to walk out of a movie this badly since Van Helsing.
I would say my true gripes but I don't want to spoil it for anyone else.