
I watched an hour show on tv last night on X-Men and there is talk about a possible 4th movie depending on how well this one does. Also there is gonna be a Wolverine movie.
It's about time they made a series for a comic book rather than a trilogy. You can't summarize the comics in a 3 movie series...
but i thought the tagline for the movie was..."Everything that has a beginning..has an end"...so doesnt this make X-3 the last one?

btw..that tagline is the exact one of The Matrix Revolutions
I think after X3 they are going to focus of single X-men characters per movie from here on out.
I hear a Wolverine movie is next on the agenda.


Closed Account
So...anyone see X-Men 3 tonight???
tjay said:
I watched an hour show on tv last night on X-Men and there is talk about a possible 4th movie depending on how well this one does. Also there is gonna be a Wolverine movie.
Very cool! I watched 2 on FX the other night, I liked both 1 and 2 so far, I am looking foward to 3, and possibly 4 and the Wolverine move. He is my fav.


Closed Account
I'm still waiting for Colossus to KICK ASS!
i saw this movie this afternoon...

pretty good... but the ending makes it seem that there will be a number 4

also... any of you planning on seeing it... stick around after the credits for one more twist... trust me it is well worth it.
a police officer told me and my friends about the hidden scene... so we were very appreciative


I've admitted before, and will do it again, the only reason I watch X-Men movies is to see Famke....

So, because I haven't seen 3 yet.... if what you posted it true, can she make a comeback?
juballs said:
i saw this movie this afternoon...

pretty good... but the ending makes it seem that there will be a number 4

also... any of you planning on seeing it... stick around after the credits for one more twist... trust me it is well worth it.
a police officer told me and my friends about the hidden scene... so we were very appreciative

DAM i told the wife we should stay after the credits!!!!!!!!!!!:fight:

(but is was pretty good ):2 cents:
The movie wasn't bad, but as an X-men fan since I was a kid, it felt like a big fuck you to all the true fans. All Ratner did was try to put as much action into the movie as possible and didn't even worry about developing a story. I haven't wanted to walk out of a movie this badly since Van Helsing.

I would say my true gripes but I don't want to spoil it for anyone else.
Death_blooms08 said:
The movie wasn't bad, but as an X-men fan since I was a kid, it felt like a big fuck you to all the true fans. All Ratner did was try to put as much action into the movie as possible and didn't even worry about developing a story. I haven't wanted to walk out of a movie this badly since Van Helsing.

I would say my true gripes but I don't want to spoil it for anyone else.

Maybe you just don't like Hugh Jackman (hope that's his name).

X3 wasn't that bad, it was better than the first 2 which were, to be honest, bad. I liked this one because it wasn't as predictable as these movies tend to be; it wasn't complicated but certain events were very not "hollywood-like" (won't tell which to not spoil).

I'd gladly go see a Wolverine movie since he's by far the best and most interesting character, he's not all into helping the kids grow and use their powers for good and that stuff. He needed more lines.