To be serious for a moment. The "reason" for bombing civilians in Japan was that The Emperor called for all civilians to be trained in fighting and the killing the enemy. Unlike a group of resistance fighters, this was en masse. Once this was done, the U.S. government changed the populace from civilian to combatants. Hence the bombings were "legitimize".As far as Germany is concern, I don't recall anything similar. But in WWI, the germans sank ships that were civilian when the protocol was to attempt to board, take the ship, give sufficient time for the ship to be abandon. This thwarted the advantage of U boats, so during the war there were piods of time this was not done. It started and stopped just enough so the U.S. did not get involved later. Therefore, there was no major resistance in the military not to fire bomb. So were these war crimes. If the Allies lost the war then there would be war crime trials similar to Nuremberg for Churchill and others.