Wow! Holy shit! Am I glad the rumors were true. As soon as he came out and was "standing" on the stage, all I could think was 'holy shit...Cena's fucked...several others in the WWE are fucked'.
I've got to give Cena some credit for maintaining that stupid smile on his face while Lesnar was standing outside the ring staring Cena down with that "I'm gonna tear you apart" look he has.
I hope Cole was right when he said "the entire face of the WWE has changed". They need more intensely violent people there.
If memory serves me well enough, the WWE thought he was too violent in the past having injured some of the top names of the time.
Anyway...damn, Cena's had a bad couple of days. I guess the Rock heard Lesnar was gonna be there and so he ran to the hills.

btw, the other rumor I heard was that they resigned Batista. Hm, Lesnar vs Batista. That would be interesting.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
The crowd chanting for D-Bry all night was the best, especially when they changed it to "Si! Si! Si!"

Fuck Miami, I love you.
Wow! Holy shit! Am I glad the rumors were true. As soon as he came out and was "standing" on the stage, all I could think was 'holy shit...Cena's fucked...several others in the WWE are fucked'.
I've got to give Cena some credit for maintaining that stupid smile on his face while Lesnar was standing outside the ring staring Cena down with that "I'm gonna tear you apart" look he has.
I hope Cole was right when he said "the entire face of the WWE has changed". They need more intensely violent people there.
If memory serves me well enough, the WWE thought he was too violent in the past having injured some of the top names of the time.
Anyway...damn, Cena's had a bad couple of days. I guess the Rock heard Lesnar was gonna be there and so he ran to the hills.

btw, the other rumor I heard was that they resigned Batista. Hm, Lesnar vs Batista. That would be interesting.

OR the WWE brought in Lesnar to help ease the Rock into disappearing again? the crowd popped so loud that it was like they already forgot the rock said he was going to be champion!
i read lesnar is only going to work ppv,raw/smackdown i guess due to his health problems and his reason that he left the 1st time....the WWE's crazy schedule!
the crowd on Raw made it fun to watch. if the 'what' chants has been replaced now, all i can say is.....YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I see I'm the only one who was annoyed by the crowd on Raw. I'm used to that. I do agree though, that the 'Yes' chant is better than the 'What' chant, although we can't fool ourselves into thinking that's gone. Besides, 'Yes' and 'What' are chanted at different times for opposite situations. It's not like they'll chant 'yes' every time a heel on the mic takes a breath. They'll still yell 'what'.
The 'yes' thing sounds really awkward to me, like a bunch of foreigners who only know a small handful of English words, so that's what they yell. Of course it was Miami, wasn't it? Not many English speakers there. I find it hard to believe that it had anything to do with Daniel Bryan. It's not his hometown.
I guess if I understood (as it was happening) what they were chanting and why, then it wouldn't get under my skin so much. The thing is that a lot of times I don't know until I read it later on the internet. Someone who's been watching wrestling since the 80's shouldn't feel like such an outsider watching it. Oh well. It's my own problem. What'cha gonna do, brother...:facepalm:
The YES chants were for Daniel Bryan. The crowd also chanted "We want Bryan!" in addition to booing Sheamus. Don't forget that not everybody in that crowd is from Miami. Most of that crowd were hold overs from Wrestlemania which has people from all over.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I read online that the yes chants continued at the Miami Heat game last night.

I wonder if this is going to continue when they get out of Florida.


Lord Dipstick
This why the Marines are arrogant, full of shit dopes!

They love him when he comes to that shithole to do that lame ass Christmas show every year!?
Randy has never hid from this issue.

He has talked about it many a time and worst is that McMahon has always known about Randy's discharge and still paid him he he has a problem cause these asshats complain about it?

Don't thet have a war to fight?
So let me see if I got this straight. These people, who bust their asses through boot camp to become Marines and continue to do all they are ordered to do honoring their country, had a problem with an arrogant douche portraying a soldier of the very military branch he dishonored by going AWOL - twice - leading to a dishonorable discharge. Yeah, the Marines are the assholes in this situation huh? Come on. His past caught up to him and he has to live with it. He whines about it now because he lost an opportunity to star in another straight-to-dvd bomb.
It's quite hypocritical of the ever so patriotic WWE to continue to employ the likes of that squinty-eyed deserter.
Having a deserter (Orton) portray a Marine is much worse than a never-was-Marine (Cena/Dibiase Jr.) portraying one.


Lord Dipstick
So let me see if I got this straight. These people, who bust their asses through boot camp to become Marines and continue to do all they are ordered to do honoring their country, had a problem with an arrogant douche portraying a soldier of the very military branch he dishonored by going AWOL - twice - leading to a dishonorable discharge. Yeah, the Marines are the assholes in this situation huh? Come on. His past caught up to him and he has to live with it. He whines about it now because he lost an opportunity to star in another straight-to-dvd bomb.
It's quite hypocritical of the ever so patriotic WWE to continue to employ the likes of that squinty-eyed deserter.
Having a deserter (Orton) portray a Marine is much worse than a never-was-Marine (Cena/Dibiase Jr.) portraying one.
They should have no say in the matter whatsoever.

It's produded by the WWE, and NOT the Marines.

They should shut up and worry about terrorism and NOT who stars in a fictional movie about Marines.

In all honesty, I agree with the decision to not have Randy Orton play a Marine. I know it's fiction but it's still a disservice to the USMC that he shit all over.
^Exactly. Some people just refuse to get it.

They should have no say in the matter whatsoever.

It's produded by the WWE, and NOT the Marines.

They should shut up and worry about terrorism and NOT who stars in a fictional movie about Marines.


True. If it was produced by the Marines then more than 10 people would actually go to see it. :sleep:
so i got Edge's new dvd today and watched the bio disc, and i have say that this bio dvd is in my top 5 WWE bio dvd's

1/ Born to Controversy - The Roddy Piper Story
2/Bret "Hitman" Hart - The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be
3/You Think You Know Me? - The Story of Edge
4/The Life and Times of Mr. Perfect
5/Road Warriors: The Life and Death of the Most Dominant Tag-Team in Wrestling History

btw here's a couple easter eggs i found on disc 1
in the main menu, select 'chapters', press next for the 2nd page of chapters, press left on your arrow button on the chapter called "A Grounding Halt"
in the 'Special Features' section, press the left arrow on the chapter called "P.T.A"