It's not that they need to bring back the Attitude era, it's that they need to make new SUPERstars, no one in WWE right now is at main event level just Cena. Taker is gone, HHH is gone and so is HBK, everyone on the roster is a mid carder, and even though Del Rio, Miz, Christian, Morrison are being pushed up, they were never properly risen to that position, they need to bring some prestige back to the belts and stop giving them to guys who aren't over like Swagger and Sheamus. As much as everyone wants, we'll never get the attitude era back, because 1. Most of that Attitude demographic has moved on to UFC/ other MMA or other Sports in general and 2. Kids buy most of the WWE product (or their parents) , you don't see adults going to work in a R-truth T-shirt. It's a shame WWE has to lean all the way towards kids and can't find a way to make it entertaining for adults as well, the Attitude era was entertaining to both me, my older brother and my dad even though I probably shouldn't have been watching, considering my age, and hell even the post attitude era was entertaining for my Dad and me too, this era is just too cheesy and really dumbed down in my opinion.