Official Changes to WWE Wellness Policy
WWE has added the following changes to their Wellness Policy:
Source: WWE's Wellness Policy
"H. Muscle Relaxers (On the list of Prohibited Drugs)
The non-medical use of drugs belonging to this class, including, but not limited to, carisoprodol (Trade name Soma® and others) and meprobamate (Trade name
Miltown®, Meprospan® and others) is prohibited. The "non-medical use" of drugs belonging to this class is prohibited. Regardless of whether there is a
prescription, the use of muscle relaxers known under the generic name
carisoprodol (Trade Name Soma ® and others) and/or meprobamate (Trade name Miltown® and others) will be considered a non-medical use for purposes of this Policy and is prohibited.
Any WWE Talent, who is arrested, convicted or who admits to a violation of law relating to use, possession, purchase, sale or distribution of drugs will be in material breach of his/her contract with WWE and subject to immediate dismissal.
In addition to the penalties that may be imposed pursuant to his/her contract
with WWE, a violation of this Section 14 may also be treated as a positive test for drugs prohibited by this Policy and therefore, subject to the penalties set forth in Section 15 of this Policy."