predictable finish for the rumble.
Other than seeing RVD back and the Hardy twist... it was an pretty bad PPV
Other than seeing RVD back and the Hardy twist... it was an pretty bad PPV
RVD is back???predictable finish for the rumble.
Other than seeing RVD back and the Hardy twist... it was an pretty bad PPV
i new that randy orton was going to win the royal rumble, i actually new this a long time ago, and i new that the last four were going to be rhodes, dibiase, orton and hhh
i was hoping that jbl was going to win the world heavyweight title from jon cena due to hbks interference. fucking fuck, cena better not have as long of a title reign as his real long one was
i new jack swagger was going to retain the ecw title
i did not expect matt hardy to cost jeff hardy the wwe title. i am glad edge won the wwe title, becuase jeff hardy was a terrible wwe champion. i was hoping that christian was going to cost jeff hardy the wee title, but i was wrong
i can see where this storyline is going though, jeff is matts younger brother and jeff won the wwe title before matt did and matt was jealous and wanted to make him pay?
melina defeated beth phoneix... woooooohooooo i am so glad with this result. meLina Is my favorite diva
Jeff Hardy is a terrible Champion? Based off what, one month? You have to give someone a really good run with the belt before you can judge if they good or terrible as Champion. All this one month did was say that Edge is transitional Champion and Jeff Hardy is fluke Champion.
jeff is a fluke champion, he should never have been champion, i cant stand his current gimmick, all the face paint is stupid. i wish he would take that white towel out of his back pocket
edge is a way better champion, i love his gimmick and how vickie always finds a way to cheat him to a victory. the bad part is that she is so annoying
jeff should have only ever been #1 contender for the title and always come so close to winning it but he cant, that is way better than the fluke champion
i'd beat umaga to that
I know this will never happen, but they need to do the following at Wrestlemania...
In the next few months, set up a feud between HHH and Randy Orton. Let the feud develop for a while and then get HBK involved. Have HBK hint towards retirement, making people expect his match at WrestleMania to be his last. Keep the story going, leading to a Triple Threat match for the title, between HHH, HBK and Randy Orton.
Obviously, do some crazy shit during the match, but...
Near the end of the match, have HBK attempt to give HHH Sweet Chin Music. What a fitting way to end his career; best friends, DX members, both involved with HBK's departure.
HBK attempts some Sweet Chin Music, only to be reversed into a Pedigree. HHH hits the Pedigree, causing people to have a moment of shock and hatred towards HHH, as they want HBK to win. But, as soon as HHH hits the Pedigree, he has a look of "I'm sorry", just like HBK had when he beat Ric Flair in his final match, causing the crowd to get a little emotional about the whole thing. HHH is about to go for the pin, then...
Randy Orton steals the victory, becoming an instant super-mega-ultra-heel.
Alternate ending:
In the time between HHH hitting the Pedigree, going for the pin and Orton hitting the RKO...drag it out a little bit. Give HBK some time to "recover". After Orton RKO's HHH, he stares at him for a while, but when he turns around...guess who's waiting with some Sweet Chin Music?
No shocker that orton won, and i am fine w/ that. Could care less about a match between him and Cena, though.
As fro the Hardy feud, the last time they tired this it was horrible. Maybe they can actually pull it off this time... maybe...:dunno:
It's just a one time deal. He's the home town superstar.RVD is back???
edge has had 7 titles in 3 years...7 time wwe/world champ in those 3
It's just a one time deal. He's the home town superstar.
Look at how short the title reigns were though. He had one that was scheduled to be a real long one but he got hurt. Other than that his reigns were all short. He'll probably lose the belt at Wrestlemania. That's a transitional Champion.
no way out is the ppv before mania...but i dont think he'll drop the belt there...cena will have the belt until mania...all bets are off after that
No kidding!I'm giving Edge two months as Champion before he loses it again, probably to Triple H.
damn it...hhh in another main event? seriously...i want them to do a 4 way...edge vs jeff vs matt vs christian...mania never has a main event to do a "speical" a cage, hell in a cell, 4 years...they did do the 3 way...but some else fresh for a change...the "main event" should be a "main event" match...side note on NWO...the chamber returns...and both titles WILL BE DEFENDED in both
I know this will never happen, but they need to do the following at Wrestlemania...
In the next few months, set up a feud between HHH and Randy Orton. Let the feud develop for a while and then get HBK involved. Have HBK hint towards retirement, making people expect his match at WrestleMania to be his last. Keep the story going, leading to a Triple Threat match for the title, between HHH, HBK and Randy Orton.
Obviously, do some crazy shit during the match, but...
Near the end of the match, have HBK attempt to give HHH Sweet Chin Music. What a fitting way to end his career; best friends, DX members, both involved with HBK's departure.
HBK attempts some Sweet Chin Music, only to be reversed into a Pedigree. HHH hits the Pedigree, causing people to have a moment of shock and hatred towards HHH, as they want HBK to win. But, as soon as HHH hits the Pedigree, he has a look of "I'm sorry", just like HBK had when he beat Ric Flair in his final match, causing the crowd to get a little emotional about the whole thing. HHH is about to go for the pin, then...
Randy Orton steals the victory, becoming an instant super-mega-ultra-heel.
Alternate ending:
In the time between HHH hitting the Pedigree, going for the pin and Orton hitting the RKO...drag it out a little bit. Give HBK some time to "recover". After Orton RKO's HHH, he stares at him for a while, but when he turns around...guess who's waiting with some Sweet Chin Music?
damn it...hhh in another main event? seriously...i want them to do a 4 way...edge vs jeff vs matt vs christian...mania never has a main event to do a "speical" a cage, hell in a cell, 4 years...they did do the 3 way...but some else fresh for a change...the "main event" should be a "main event" match...side note on NWO...the chamber returns...and both titles WILL BE DEFENDED in both
Amen to both of you and the way Orton was just falling all over the place was ridiculous. Stephanie's "mean face" was annoying and then Shane hitting all the other stars because he's so upset?