i watched some of the special tuesday GREAT AMERICAN BASH show,so now what happens with EVE since Johnny is gone? she is just the butt of all different kinds of jokes now?
i don't get where this AJ angle is going....but i don't mind cause she is SOOOOOoooooo hott! :rolleyes:
i watched some of the special tuesday GREAT AMERICAN BASH show,so now what happens with EVE since Johnny is gone? she is just the butt of all different kinds of jokes now?
i don't get where this AJ angle is going....but i don't mind cause she is SOOOOOoooooo hott! :rolleyes:

:dito: again, about AJ....hott!
As far as people getting annoyed about the AJ angle taking too long, I think it's a good thing. For far too long have we had short-lived angles, wrapping up too quickly, being spoon fed to us, the 'gimme now-now-now' A.D.D. world. They need to have some longer lasting storylines happening. Some of the most classic storylines came this way. Whatever they are doing with her right now may not sell as well if it was delivered too quickly. The payoff would be weaker. I really think they're doing it right so far with her. :2 cents:

I think I'm gonna take an extended break from watching WWE (or maybe just wait until they're uploaded to youtube and skip to the AJ parts, since those are sometimes the only parts I enjoy). Letting Zakk Ryder win the fucking GAB battle royal?? Total fucking bull-shit!! What the motherfuck is that horseshit?! I mean, I kinda saw it coming as soon as he became one of the last two...but come on. It's insulting. Ryder sucks donkey cock. How 'bout we let Santino win the WWE championship next along with his U.S. title? Maybe have Hornswoggle kick the shit out of Ryback? If they pulled this Ryder crap in Chicago, they would have a riot on their hands. Kane should have won. They know it, most of the fans know it. He's better and he deserves it more than that overrated, one-dimensional, hair dyeing, face-smirking, orange-tanning, annoying catchphrasing, fist pumping, self proclaimed internet champion Jersey hipster boy. Absolute garbage. The ball was dropped, dipped in orange tanning goo, shat upon, then shoved in our faces with a cheap idiot grin. Put down the crackpipe, WWE creative dept. I'm all for seeing the older wrestlers pass the torch and pass opportunities on to the younger ones, but this was the wrong platform, wrong time and absolutely wrong person to push. Ryder is not going to push the company any further, no matter how much you may want to think so.
all he is doing is being the guest GM for the week. it is obvious that they have no storyline or feud for him so you throw him a bone and let him be GM for a week. it will be forgotten about by the time the show is over!
I know there are those who think I overreact, but that guy just brings the worst out of me. I honestly hate everything about him. Every detail. The sight and sound of him offends me. It cannot be helped.
i watched the uhd RAW replay yesterday,nothing too crazy happened just a run of the mill show...how are they going to come up with extended storylines for a 3hr show every week???????????
my friend sent me a text last monday " DDP ON RAW!!!" i replied that they have been doing a wwe "legend" each week leading up to the 1000th episode, i finally got to see that DDP segment yesterday.....lame! it was bad and he was never even able to promote his yoga thing.
i am pretty sure the 1000th episode is going to....HAS TO have Austin as the Legend to come out and give the stunner someone. hopefully not The One Man Band Heath Slater it would be anti-climactic and after each week of getting beat by a legend if Austin was to come out wouldn't you just RUN??!!!!! knowing what is going to happen?
No updates on the PPV? Well Ziggler won the money in the bank and CM Punk retained his Championship thats all I know so far.....

sheamus won to retain his title, Cena won the RAW money in the bank. so i guess there was only a mini-push for SHOW? you would think after him getting the "deal" from lauranitis he would be a beast every week and reek havoc until he won the title but i guess he likes being a mid-card jobber!
Smackdown MitB was good, Ziggler was fantastic; good showing overall by everyone, though Santino was terrible as expected
WWE title match was good, AJ was pointless despite the focus being on her; hopefully they drop this angle soon
WHC was good, but bad finish; Sheamus has gotten pretty predictable
RAW MitB, Cena took hardly any bumps, wins anyway

Smackdown MitB was good, Ziggler was fantastic; good showing overall by everyone, though Santino was terrible as expected
WWE title match was good, AJ was pointless despite the focus being on her; hopefully they drop this angle soon
WHC was good, but bad finish; Sheamus has gotten pretty predictable
RAW MitB, Cena took hardly any bumps, wins anyway

i actually watched RAW &.........SMACKDOWN this week! because Chris Jericho tweeted that his match vs sheamus was a great match,he was very pleased at the job that he & sheamus put out for the crowd.
so as i was saying....i watched smackdown because Jericho said it was a great match. after watching it AND Raw these guys are basically set to do a limited amount of moves then EACH hit their 2-3 "big" moves/signature moves then to catch their opponent in their finisher...
the Jericho v. Sheamus was good...NOT great. i noticed sheamus has like 7 moves! 1.running elbow smashes 2.firemans carry flip-over 3.top rope vaulting shoulder block 4. spinning body back-breaker 5. knee lift? 6. Brogue Kick.... OK 6 moves. maybe a body slam but does that count?

i guess we were spoiled with all the attitude era wrestling where basically everyone wrestled by the seat of their pants and just made it work. sometimes it was ugly,but, EVERYONE watched!
LMAO! I forgot there was a PPV last night! HA!


By the way, Sheamus is the new Orton. A kids' favorite who predictably wins way more often than he should. If they can push him as a face (and it's rare for a 'foreign' person to be a face, let alone a successful one, not a comedic goof like Santino), they should try pushing Drew McIntyre more. He's one of those underrated wrestlers who I think could be great if given the right push. Besides, they've got the Irishman, why not push the Scotsman, too?

By the way, Sheamus is the new Orton. A kids' favorite who predictably wins way more often than he should. If they can push him as a face (and it's rare for a 'foreign' person to be a face, let alone a successful one, not a comedic goof like Santino), they should try pushing Drew McIntyre more. He's one of those underrated wrestlers who I think could be great if given the right push. Besides, they've got the Irishman, why not push the Scotsman, too?
Back when they were pushing Drew McIntyre, I said in this thread that he was the next Randy Orton. If they had continued to push him, I believe he'd be one of the top stars today. It seems like they stopped pushing him around the time he married Tiffany and they were going through their issues.
Back when they were pushing Drew McIntyre, I said in this thread that he was the next Randy Orton. If they had continued to push him, I believe he'd be one of the top stars today. It seems like they stopped pushing him around the time he married Tiffany and they were going through their issues.

There seems to be more politics in wrestling than in D.C.
I was hoping that since Drew and Tiffany were going through a divorce, they were gonna get back to pushing him. It's just wasted potential. He still has one of the best themes currently in WWE.

That is one of the better ones for sure, although there are parts to it that always remind me of "Turn the Page" by Bob Seger (but the Metallica version), not that it's a bad thing.
No more summer squash for Ryberg, I see.
"Who's next?!" ...er, uh, "Feed me more".

Everyone has been talking about favorite RAW moments. I have so many, but the one that keep jumping into mind is the time Stone Cold (wearing his hunting attire) was doing some hunting. He was hunting for Vince McMahon. He nabs old Vince and throws him into the ring. Austin has a gun. He gets Vince on his knees crying and pleading for his life. Austin points the gun at Vince's head and pulls the trigger. In a cartoon fashion, a flag comes out of the gun that says "BANG 3:16". Austin points to Vince's crotch (now wet, all the way down the leg) and says "McMahon 3:16 says I just pissed my pants".
I believe that was followed by your standard Stone Cold Stunner and a downing of several beers...'Steveweisers'.

I'd say most of the all time best moments involved either Vince McMahon or Stone Cold Steve Austin, or both. The Rock has a lot of great moments, so did D-Generation X, but the McMahon/Austin ones were the best.