^ I think he was saying that Dolph Ziggler's better than that. I'd have to agree. I think having Vickie Guererro around him makes him look like less respectable of a wrestler than he probably is. If they let him drop her and dump that bottle blonde down the drain, he'd gain a lot more respect.
I totally agree about Santino. He's lucky enough not to be stuck in dark matches. He shouldn't be where he is right now. He's not that great of a wrestler, he's too much of a goofball and that stupid snake glove/puppet/sock/whatever is kind of a rip off of Mick Foley's Mr. Socko, except instead of jamming it into the opponent's mouth, he just 'strikes' him with it. I guess you can say that one main difference between the two is that Foley didn't incorporate that gimmick until later in his career, after he stopped doing all those hardcore matches over the years, so he earned the right to be strange. Santino hasn't been around long enough to be respected for idiocy.
Doink the Clown - makeup + Italian accent = Santino Marella.
Well, at least it's gold colored...That's all the positive I can say about it...But could they make the company logo any bigger??
I totally agree about Santino. He's lucky enough not to be stuck in dark matches. He shouldn't be where he is right now. He's not that great of a wrestler, he's too much of a goofball and that stupid snake glove/puppet/sock/whatever is kind of a rip off of Mick Foley's Mr. Socko, except instead of jamming it into the opponent's mouth, he just 'strikes' him with it. I guess you can say that one main difference between the two is that Foley didn't incorporate that gimmick until later in his career, after he stopped doing all those hardcore matches over the years, so he earned the right to be strange. Santino hasn't been around long enough to be respected for idiocy.
Doink the Clown - makeup + Italian accent = Santino Marella.
Saw this yesterday, since you guys are discussing it, I figured I'd upload it.
PHOTO: New WWE Championship Belt Design Leaked Online
by Justin LaBar
June 06, 2012
"Recently, during a convention Q&A, CM Punk was quoted as saying a new WWE Championship belt was being made.
PWInsider.com is reporting that they've confirmed with WWE sources that the following photo, which has surfaced online, is legit. Reportedly, there will be "some changes" made before the final product is revealed."
Well, at least it's gold colored...That's all the positive I can say about it...But could they make the company logo any bigger??