It's not often that I'm shocked by the main event of a PPV, but seeing Jericho sneak in the win in the dying seconds was awesome. Must have rewound like 3 times - that's how much I couldn't believe it. The Ayatollah's back on top! :D

The Smackdown Scramble was the top-notch, but the ending was atrocious! :eek:

One more thing, the Jericho Vs Michaels better would have been better had JR been on commentary.

For those who missed it, here are some comprehensive live notes:
Currently i hate jericho wearing the wrestling tights!
what happened to the pants that he has worn forever?
he was different with the pants his look was different. now... the tights... just suck
Currently i hate jericho wearing the wrestling tights!
what happened to the pants that he has worn forever?
he was different with the pants his look was different. now... the tights... just suck

I like the fact that he has changed everything about his look as it is a subtle way of letting the fans know his gimmick is changing and he is becoming a different character.
Currently i hate jericho wearing the wrestling tights!
what happened to the pants that he has worn forever?
he was different with the pants his look was different. now... the tights... just suck

I think that you have to get used to it. Remember when Triple H made that switch, when he first wore the tights I thought he looked strange but of course now I can't ever see him go back to the pants.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
You mean...Jericho wears the "short" tights now? I don't know if I'll like that. Who am I kidding? I love everything he does!

i wasn't sure if there was a TNA thread i looked but didn't know if we just talked about it in this thread or not.

i got the whole TNA show from this week except for when the dvr stopped recording after the 2 hours were up.what happened?
i saw the whole show right up until Nash entered the ring when Joe was going to hit sting with the baton and then stopped! what transpired those final minutes?

i wasn't sure if there was a TNA thread i looked but didn't know if we just talked about it in this thread or not.

i got the whole TNA show from this week except for when the dvr stopped recording after the 2 hours were up.what happened?
i saw the whole show right up until Nash entered the ring when Joe was going to hit sting with the baton and then stopped! what transpired those final minutes?

I don't remember much but I remember Jeff Jarrett's music hit and Sting then challenged him to come to TNA. I think there was a TNA thread but I don't remember a lot of people going there. I think it's easier to just come to this thread and look at it as "The Wrestling Thread" rather than "The WWE Thread".
Well folks, we were this close to having "Macho Man" Randy Savage appear in the upcoming "Legends of Wrestlemania" video game. Vince McMahon has decided to pull Randy Savage and Mick Foley as well some others who have not been named yet from the video game. We obviously all know why Mick Foley was pulled and I'm not surprised by Randy Savage being pulled because Vince has not wanted anything to do with Savage for years (in fact a proposed dvd that was to come out this year was canceled). The thing that surprised me was the fact Savage was actually going to be in the game in the first place and it does suck now that he won't be in it. To me Savage, just like Hulk Hogan is synonymous with Wrestlemania and to me is better than Hogan in every way. Over the years Vince and some former wrestlers have been on bad terms but most times they were still able to put aside their differences and come together whether it was to produce a dvd or appear at an event. However Randy Savage is a different story, fans (including me) have been clamoring for something to do with the "Macho Man" for years whether it was a dvd, a Hall of Fame induction, a Classic SuperStars figure, or an appearance in the Smackdown vs. Raw video games. You know it's funny, Vince is always saying that he listens to the fans. That the audience's reactions determine what type of product he'll put out but the one wrestler that the fans want, Vince just won't listen.
That is just petty on on Vince's part. Savage is great and should be a part of the Wrestlemania game and should also get a okace in the Hall of Fame.


haha, i was just on wwe .com and they have primo colon as a raw and as a smackdown superstar, they also dont list triple h as the wwe champion on smackdown


haha, i was just on wwe .com and they have primo colon as a raw and as a smackdown superstar, they also dont list triple h as the wwe champion on smackdown is still like this
Well folks, we were this close to having "Macho Man" Randy Savage appear in the upcoming "Legends of Wrestlemania" video game. Vince McMahon has decided to pull Randy Savage and Mick Foley as well some others who have not been named yet from the video game. We obviously all know why Mick Foley was pulled and I'm not surprised by Randy Savage being pulled because Vince has not wanted anything to do with Savage for years (in fact a proposed dvd that was to come out this year was canceled). The thing that surprised me was the fact Savage was actually going to be in the game in the first place and it does suck now that he won't be in it. To me Savage, just like Hulk Hogan is synonymous with Wrestlemania and to me is better than Hogan in every way. Over the years Vince and some former wrestlers have been on bad terms but most times they were still able to put aside their differences and come together whether it was to produce a dvd or appear at an event. However Randy Savage is a different story, fans (including me) have been clamoring for something to do with the "Macho Man" for years whether it was a dvd, a Hall of Fame induction, a Classic SuperStars figure, or an appearance in the Smackdown vs. Raw video games. You know it's funny, Vince is always saying that he listens to the fans. That the audience's reactions determine what type of product he'll put out but the one wrestler that the fans want, Vince just won't listen.
They better put Doink The Clown in it, dammit. :thefinger:D:1orglaugh

