I don't like the Vickie character. Yes a lot of the roster are poor at delivering promos but the GM's are the people on the roster who need to deliver a good promo on a regular basis.
watchin RAW last night....the RETURN of JEFF HARDY !
umm what the fuck did they do to his theme music? his song/new song is brutal! why do they need sponsored songs? just go with the good ole WWE band to create the music it hasn't failed yet has it?
he need to go back to the old one,just like when Stone Cold changed his song to that "i kick a little ass i drink a little beer" horseshit . that lasted like 2 weeks i think before they went back to the GLASS BREAK theme.
That's the new theme that is on WWE the Music Vol. 8. He was using it before his suspension, I actually like the new theme. In fact I uploaded to my Xbox 360 so that it would play when he comes out in Smackdown vs. Raw 2008.
I'm just loving Smackdown these days - the great wrestling, the addition of Foley, the dramatic plot-twists. These factors are just gelling to form a very entertaining, unmissable program.

BTW, where's Cena these days? Seems like he's only showing up for the PPVs, and even then it's as if he's just there to lend his name to the billing and then make a quick exit. Could that injury not be as fully healed as we thought? Another movie perhaps?
he was at raw this week and wrestled Orton. JBL special ref and he intefered. then it was 2-on-1 when HHH came to make the save then the cage got lowered over Orton and HHH and they fought a little and then HHH threw Orton out of the steel cage and the show ended.

FOLEY is on Smackdown :eek: :confused:
in what capacity?
i guess i need to start watching smackdown now.
Foley replaced Coach as a commentator.

Cena is making a movie. Shows up for the RAW's directly before and after a PPV to make and hype his match. I reckon they should just stop using him until after he finishes shooting and give him a chance to get his character fresh.
Kennedy's song is also on the CD. Orton's new theme threw me for a loop because it just came out of no where but I like it. I'm kind of a mark for new themes and I've got a lot of wrestling themes on CD's. Anyway, I've noticed that I've been liking Smackdown a lot more than RAW. ECW is actually pretty good as well and it's hilarious to listen to Mike Adamle get everything wrong, last night he was calling Michelle McCool Kelly Kelly and Tazz was correcting him on it. Mick Foley replaced Coach as commentator because Coach is leaving WWE for ESPN. Cena is showing up less because he is filming the movie "12 Rounds". In fact here's a little trivia, John Cena's movie "12 Rounds" and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's movie "Escape from Witch Mountain" are both scheduled to be released on the same exact day in 2009. Next year it will be John Cena vs. The Rock at the box office.
Kennedy's song is also on the CD. Orton's new theme threw me for a loop because it just came out of no where but I like it. I'm kind of a mark for new themes and I've got a lot of wrestling themes on CD's. Anyway, I've noticed that I've been liking Smackdown a lot more than RAW. ECW is actually pretty good as well and it's hilarious to listen to Mike Adamle get everything wrong, last night he was calling Michelle McCool Kelly Kelly and Tazz was correcting him on it. Mick Foley replaced Coach as commentator because Coach is leaving WWE for ESPN. Cena is showing up less because he is filming the movie "12 Rounds". In fact here's a little trivia, John Cena's movie "12 Rounds" and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's movie "Escape from Witch Mountain" are both scheduled to be released on the same exact day in 2009. Next year it will be John Cena vs. The Rock at the box office.

Mike Adamle is horrendous and he knows it. So I think that he has been told to exaggerate how bad he really is so that it becomes comical rather than just being cringeworthy.
i guess that explains why he lost the match last night and was "fired"

and to go back to my post about 12 posts ago, Hardy opened the show,his music hit,the cameras panned the crowd and i sat there waiting to see who it was coming out because i had no clue of his music.


Tig Ol' Bitty Expert
i guess that explains why he lost the match last night and was "fired"

and to go back to my post about 12 posts ago, Hardy opened the show,his music hit,the cameras panned the crowd and i sat there waiting to see who it was coming out because i had no clue of his music.
yeah it does
Damn Mike Adamle, why is he insisting on coming up nicknames for the wrestlers. Tonight he's calling Kelly Kelly "K2 and K Squared". Mike Knox "School of Hard Knox". I don't mind nicknames cause some of the best have great nicknames. The Phenom, The Cerebral Assassin, The Heartbreak Kid are good examples but Mike Adamle comes up with stupid nicknames. Seriously, I can still hear him saying "Jamaican Me Crazy" when describing Kofi Kingston. What a dope.
Seriously, I can still hear him saying "Jamaican Me Crazy" when describing Kofi Kingston. What a dope.

Think he stole that one from Weird Al :rofl2:

Damn shame about William Regal. He was on a roll - Raw GM (and arch-villain), King of The Ring, possibly even a title contender :crying:. Why William!?! WHY???
Damn shame about William Regal. He was on a roll - Raw GM (and arch-villain), King of The Ring, possibly even a title contender :crying:. Why William!?! WHY???

They're probably going to make Teddy Long GM of RAW which I wouldn't mind because I like Teddy Long. However where would they put Regal when he comes back? He can't be on RAW because he was "fired" which means he would go to Smackdown or ECW. He would have to go in as an active superstar because those shows already have a GM. It sucks because I thought Regal was pretty good as a GM and that his new status as King was a great new aspect to his character. Now What?:dunno:


Teddy Long for GM of Raw

BTW... I had no clue that there were any problems with William Regal, I thought for sure that Mr. Kennedy was going to lose the match against Regal and end up in ECW because he is not being used very much on raw

On another note, WTF is up with Cade and Murdoch? IMO they were one of the best tag teams on Raw and now they are being split up, thats stupid. It is bad to because out of the Cade and Murdoch, the only one with any hope of having a good singles career is Cade. If WWE is intent on splitting up Cade and Mursoch they should put Cade in ECW where he would have the best chance of having a decent singles career, as far as Murdoch goes, his singl;es career is going to be nothing at all