cena has only made me laugh once in the last years. that was when he was bagging on carlito about the last time carlito beat cena. "that was when britney spears was still hot!" :rofl:
so then what is it that makes you tune into Raw each week?
is it the short 30 second matches that are shit?
is it the stupid segments like WWE Idol and the Dating Game that are trying to bring back the days of the attitude era?
is it the crappy storylines/feuds that last three weeks?
is it all the segments that are so easy to predict whats going to happen?
I only tune it because I am interested to see how much more shitty they can make Raw and WWE
so if he came back would jericho be a heel?
Jericho would be better as a heel, but honestly, it would not matter if he was face or heel, he would put ass's in seats and make the ratings rise either way