WWE Fans

What's your favorite theme?

I gotta love Mark Henrys, somebodys gonna get their ass kicked.

It should be changed to, somebodys gonna get their ass fucked, some gonna get shit ripped.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Obviously the People's Champ is my all-time favorite

Followed closely by the best there is, the best, the best there was, and the best there ever will be:

And of course, my current favorite. CM Punk. Best in the world:

Followed by my second current favorite, the Awesome One:
The All Time Greatest:

Honorable Mentions:

Non-WWE:Tazz [ECW]

Survive... If I Let You.

Chris Jericho

Break The Walls to the greatest debut entrance ever.

5: Goldberg

Only one word to describe this entrance: Problems.

4: Stone Cold Steve Austin

When you hear the glass... that's your ass!

3: Edge

His final entrance.

2: Mr Perfect

The All Time best overall song in wrestling history, and this would be unquestioned in the pyro era of entrances. With pyro... all time best entrance theme ever. Period.

1: Hollywood Hulk Hogan

Mainstream music in wrestling? This was the most official entrance wrestling history.
All time favorite themes: Hulk Hogan and DX

Current favorites: Triple H and Randy Orton

Other favorites: MVP and Goldust
My all-time favorite would have to be Edge's Alter Bridge entrance theme:

With honorable mentions going to Shawn Michaels' "Sexy Boy" and CM Punk's current theme.
I always like the Undertaker entrance, not much of a "theme song" per say though.



Lord Dipstick

CM Punk's current entrance "Cult of Personality" by Living Colour (I've been a fan of that band since their first album...which begins with that song)


Legion of Doom (Road Warriors)
The Ultimate Warrior
The Undertaker (all but the 'American Badass' one)
Doink the Clown (his early heel music. It creeped me out as a kid)
Bret "Hitman" Hart
Stone Cold Steve Austin
The Rockers
Scott Hall (as Razor Ramon)
"Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig
U.S. Express/Hulk Hogan
Rowdy Roddy Piper
I love opening threads with 14,000 embedded youtube videos.

Shawn Michaels and The Rock had the best intros.