The Fake National Emergency


Hiliary 2020
Fake Emergency THIS!

3,700 fuckers on Monday alone!

On track to reach more than 100,000 apprehensions and encounters with migrants in March alone.

As I type this, there is a mega shitload of migrants under one of the port of entry international bridges, sort of just temporarily warehoused there awaiting processing. This because there is no longer anywhere to put them. Shelter and churches space is long ago in the rearview mirror. With April now here, the temperatures are now starting to rise to the uncomfortable levels.

That "Tent City" Detention Center that Democrat assholes DEMANDED be shut down in Tornillo, TX not long ago suddenly doesn't look like a remotely bad situation. Those tents were temperature controlled. The bottom of that bridge where the migrants are right now is NOT temperature controlled. Fuck up much, Democrats?

Pelosi & Schumer need to be recalled ... impeached or whatever the fuck it is called to get their albatross asses out of office. Democrats need to be eradicated period!

Chuck the whole democrats condoning it and Republicans fighting to stop it is a show.
You are so close man to seeing the truth.
Its a show for the peasants to squabble over. If the government wanted to stop illegal immigration they would.
They don't so they don't.


Closed Account
John Whitmire said:
Sen. John Whitmire, D-Houston, implored Bettencourt not to "burn the whole afternoon" on the border security issue — which took three hours to debate before senators voted — and instead focus on pressing state issues like school finance or property taxes.

"The crisis is in our inner cities," he said. "If you're going to be the crisis patrol, there are crises that exist much larger than the one that you’re describing on our border."
Dayyyyy-Um! Talk about sore LOSER and lying out of his ass! Sure, the inner cities have their problems, but right now, anybody with a brain, decent eyesight and NO AGENDA has no trouble seeing that the current Brontosaurus-sized EMERGENCY at the Southern Border is an out of control situation that is getting exponentially worse by the day and dwarfs whatever inner city problems there are. Dumb Asses!


Closed Account
KTSM website said:
In the El Paso area, 7565 unaccompanied children have been apprehended throughout this fiscal year. This time last year the number was at 1746.

A 1670 percent increase in family apprehensions is also shown; from 3027 last year to 53,565.

Still think it's a fake National Emergency fabricated by Trump? Yeah, I know what y'all will say on the surface. But, you won't be able to deny it behind closed doors in the confines of your homes.


Closed Account
So in recent past, the Democrats led by O'Rourke, Veronicunt Escobar bitched, demanded and ultra DEMANDED that the Detention Facility (aka "Tent City" by the biased TV stations) in Tornillo, TX be CLOSED and DISMANTLED!!! This because TENTS were immoral, inhumane, lacked privacy, siphoned away dignity & respect and EVERY negative reason that they could conjure up. They got their wish. The Tornillo Detention Facility was closed and the unaccompanied Future DACAs were sent who knows the fuck where.

So, ladies & gentlemen, I present to you --- TENT CITY: The Sequel

Well, well, well ... talk about backpedaling, flip-flopping hypocrisy! Now in this Tent City reincarnation there's gonna BIGGER TENTS than there were in the original Tent City. The New Tent City's tents are gonna hold fucking 500 people!!! :eek: :shock: Those are fucking Circus Big Tops, for Pete's Sake! So now those Paul Bunyan-sized tents suddenly don't lack privacy and don't suck away dignity & respect and are no longer immoral and inhumane?

Idiots! They should have never closed the Detention Facility in Tornillo, TX. They should have just expanded it and saved some money. But, Nooooooo! The Democrats just had to play games.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
As someone who has worked for the USBP I can honestly say the border emergency is real and has been in a state of emergency since Reagan was in office.

As a kid I loved Reagan for many reasons but after academy training and and time spent at Calexico, I grew to resent his decision to grant amnesty in the late 80s.

I saw some of the worst motherfuckers humanity has to offer, doing some of the worst things imaginable to some of the most vulnerable people.

Walls work. Why else do Pelosi Galore, Bohama and others who are against building a wall live behind walls themselves?


Closed Account
So in today's local TV News ... 155 more illegals were dumped on the already FULL 193-bed shelter in Las Cruces, New Mexico. As if that wasn't already a black eye ... apparently the Salvation Army informed the shelter that as of this coming Friday, they were no longer going to be providing meals for "Asylum Seekers."

OUCH! THIS coming from the Salvation Army, which from what I understand, never turns down anyone in need and helps all around the world or at least certainly in the United States. For the Salvation Army to be putting its foot down like that and drawing a line, must mean that they have HAD ENOUGH of this free-flowing, no limit Asylum Seeking SHAM. But, how can this be? Pelosi, Schumer, O'Rourke, Obama and the rest of the Democrats say there is no problem, no crisis, no National Emergency on the Southern USA border.

Just like the Salvation Army reached its limit, so does the USA need to do. I sure hope the Salvation Army puts its foot down not only in that Las Cruces, NM shelter, but also in ALL other migrant Shamsters shelters EVERYWHERE. Hmmm ... who knows? Maybe that IS what it meant. The scrolling News text caught me off guard and I only took it to mean that it was happening just in that Las Cruces shelter. Maybe it did mean EVERYWHERE.


Closed Account
Good to see you back, Ace. Just recently, a militia group here got in trouble for detaining a group of illegals. The no doubt Democrats here were going on about how that task should be left to the LAW. That they're trained and that that's what they're there for. The thing is ... the shithole migrants do NOT obey ANY LAW from ANY Border Patrol Officer or ANY Officer of any kind for that matter. The migrants break every fucking law from the moment they get to the border and disrespect and abuse the entire USA system. THEN once they're here, they expect and DEMAND that EVERY fucking protocol and law in the USA Constitution (and other laws that they invent) be followed to the letter ... or at least to their benefit.

So no ... right now "leaving things to the LAW" is actually not working because the shithole migrants trample, shit all over, and just plain ole disobey all USA laws. And they do it courtesy of the help from Democrat Immigration Lawyers and biased TV stations giving them the heads up on how to do it.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Good to see you back, Ace. Just recently, a militia group here got in trouble for detaining a group of illegals. The no doubt Democrats here were going on about how that task should be left to the LAW. That they're trained and that that's what they're there for. The thing is ... the shithole migrants do NOT obey ANY LAW from ANY Border Patrol Officer or ANY Officer of any kind for that matter. The migrants break every fucking law from the moment they get to the border and disrespect and abuse the entire USA system. THEN once they're here, they expect and DEMAND that EVERY fucking protocol and law in the USA Constitution (and other laws that they invent) be followed to the letter ... or at least to their benefit.

So no ... right now "leaving things to the LAW" is actually not working because the shithole migrants trample, shit all over, and just plain ole disobey all USA laws. And they do it courtesy of the help from Democrat Immigration Lawyers and biased TV stations giving them the heads up on how to do it.

I have a huge problem with vigilante-types taking matters into their own hands. They are not prepared emotionally, physically or even spiritually to deal with the level of suffering, lack of humanity or even prisoner management patrolling the border entails. We always carried extra water, some food, blankets, shoes or anything else you can imagine to ease the suffering of some of the most desperate people you can ever meet.

I believe closing the border and having secure, official checkpoint crossing areas and a strong presence of sworn Law Enforcement professionals is the only way to ensure the weakest people taking this large risk aren't at the mercy of the climate, coyotes, gung-ho vigilantes or opportunistic politicians. There are ways to compassionately enforce laws.


Closed Account
Closing the border would be great. But, you KNOW who is not going to go for that. All the Democrats. Starting with no doubt some Obama federal judge crawling out of the sewer to block any border closing just like they block any and all measures taken that inconvenience the illegals.

At least from what I hear, bus loads and airplane loads of migrants are now being transported to other cities around the USA to places that just like to mouth off and defend the migrants from afar ... but didn't actually have to deal with having them IN their cities and having to figure out how to feed, clothe, shelter and provide medical care for them. Now MAYBE they'll see that the National Emergency IS REAL, not just some mirage as the Pelosis and O'Rourkes tell them. If they want the daily migrant dumpings in their cities to continue, they can just keep on voting Democrat.


Closed Account
The daily temperatures will soon be frequently reaching the 100s here in this area. Migrant dehydration cases will definitely rise. Almost assuredly, there will be more deaths because of that. And the Democrats will STILL be singing their same song of wanting "an exhaustive investigation" as to just how those migrants died. Are you really THAT stupid? Do you really think the Border Patrol and ICE are sucking the water out of migrants' bodies and injecting pneumonia and assorted other illnesses into them upon getting them in custody? Sheesh! What these people will do to see IF in return, the families of migrants who died will be granted USA citizenship.