I remember how a few weeks ago you hardly posted here anymore. My, how I long for those days...
You mean like a real life size Harry potter game of chess against deep blue? Or being hunted like John Leguizamo in The Pest?
That would rule.
http://www.bartleby.com/196/1.htmlIn his hand he carried a drawn sword, and he kept peering warily about him as if at every instant he expected to be set upon by an enemy. He was a priest and a murderer; and the man for whom he looked was sooner or later to murder him and hold the priesthood in his stead. Such was the rule of the sanctuary. A candidate for the priesthood could only succeed to office by slaying the priest, and having slain him, he retained office till he was himself slain by a stronger or a craftier.
In other words: sure, why not.
I find the death penalty both stupid and hypocritical to start with, but it would make for some sweet television
Challenge? like what? running a gauntlet of chainsaw weilding madmen?
I find the death penalty both stupid and hypocritical to start with, but it would make for some sweet television
Where do you put the limit separating those who can live and those who have to die ?Death penalty is useful because dangerous and insane criminals can't be reinstated. Just remember the deathwish movies.
Where do you put the limit separating those who can live and those who have to die ?