I'll issue the same challenge to you. Find something credible to back that up with. I believe similar statistics I provided were found in the "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" as well. Most of the people who are issuing those are relationship experts/counselors/psychologists. I can't think of a more legitimate group of people with respect to this subject.
The very latest research that I've seen (some weeks ago in the paper here) was that it was about 50-50 with women even leading a little. It was a very big study done in over hundred countries and thousands of people from all classes in every country. The paper itself had some online poll before it. And when they published the results later together with the article it was about the same. Is it a correct view? I don't know. But certainly closer to reality than the "men are pigs and women are saints"-one I think. Similar results were actually found when it came to domestic violence for that matter.