I voted yes. I had sex with my first she-male about a year ago. I always thought there were some very attractive she-males out there. From time to time I would browse the net and take a peek at she-male porn. I thought the Brazillian She-males, as well as some of the various Asian She-males looked quite nice. Mind you I am straight without a doubt. I do not like cock, nor do I touch theirs when I occasionally get down with one. About a year ago I joined a dating site. (I have a girlfriend, and have a girl friend now) I was just playing around browsing the photos of other people when a urge to communicate with some She-males came to my mind. I started chatting to a nice Asian Lady on a regular basis. Before long I jerked off a few times to her pic and as well as E-mailed several pics of myself to her. Eventually, (after much delay, and plenty of chickening out) I met up for with her for a coffee. To make a long story short, she knew that I had NO attraction to cock, and would not go down on her or jerk her off. However, after going back to her place (I was scared for the first time in a long time LOL) I let her suck my cock. I came twice and declined to fuck her in the ass. Anyway, we met up again about a month or so later and I was determined to fuck her. That is precisely what I did. MAN!!! That was some good stuff. At my request she pulled her underwear down only a little because seeing her cock might freak me out. She complied. I came after about 10 strokes I shit you not. Of course I wore a condom (which I always do regardless)The ass was so dam tight. Anyway, since then I have met another She-male (from Tahiti originally) who I have fucked several times in the ass. People are too hung up on classifications. Like I said, I am straight. I am sure many on this forum will call me derogatory names and say I am gay though. I do not care about that. I like She-males (the two that I have been with) due to their femeninity. These two Ladies are soft, well tanned, curvy, and very very femenine. To be honest, I think doing a Transexual in the missionary position is something I could not bring myself to do. But as far as fucking them doggystyle, or standing up with me behind them.....................well that I can, and will do.
What dating website would that be?
You shold get your girlfriend to join you and your shemale friend.