i've purposely avoided this thread becuase the question just seems so obviously ridiculous to me. however, since it's been around for over a year and seems to still be going strong i'll add my nickel and hope nobody gets offended...
for openers...if u take the "she" away from shemale, what do you have? so the question really is, "would you have sex with a man?" remember, shemales still have male genetalia, so when the panties go down, you're faced with the reality of what it is you're about to do.
now i've skimmed this thread and have seen some answers like, "if nobody would find out" or "if she was really hot", and then there were a few, "if i was drunk and didn't know"...to those i say...to each his own. if you're bi or bi-curious, more power to you. if you have a drinking problem, there's help for you.
but when i comes down to it, i have never been attracted to a man sexually, and breasts and lipstick won't change that (i'm an ass man anyway, silicone don't do jack for me). i think of it this way...would i screw one of my homosexual friends if he dressed up real pretty??? the answer is the same if you asked me would i screw him if he were wearing sweats and a t-shirt - no.