Would you date a women who has a kid?

not reading the past six pages, let me just say that my answer would be No.

unless she was really hot.
This is a tough one for the following reasons...

1.) Kids annoy me
2.) I don't feel responsible (in a fatherly way) for a kid that's not my own
3.) If you love a girl & she loves you, then a kid shouldn't matter 1

1But you usually don't start loving a girl until you've at least spoken to her a few times (unless it's love on 1st sight) and I truely hope she'll tell you about the kid before that happens (she's not really honest & thus trustworthy if she doesn't)
amazing timing. i just asked out a woman with 2 kids. she is 32 with a 9 and 4 year old. she a milf of 2 and still bangin!