Would you date a women who has a kid?

I was in an 8 year relationship with a woman who had 3 children. It was tough at times, but it would never put me off dating a single mum again.
If you care for someone, then you have to accept everything that comes with them.
I would, but only if I didn't have to take care of the kid. I don't like kids, I don't wish them any harm or anything sick like that I just have no patience for them.

I've had the hots for a few girls who had kids.
Women with children ,that don't have a husband and father for their children, are gullible.

If what you say is true then what would you say about men with children that don't have a wife and mother for their children, are they guilible too or are they some how immune to what you say about single mothers?

We do live in a society where it's up to a single parent if she or he wants to get married or be with someone or wants to remain single and have fun in the meantime, it's not exactly law that a single parent must be married in order to raise kids. As long as they have family and friends to help them out if they need it then who cares?

That's what I want a thirty-four year old grandmother. :rolleyes:

I am not dating her, it was a one off NSA sex and I didn't know she had kids til after I fucked her. I have a girlfriend and we are in an open relationship. In some places in the world some women are grandmothers before they are 30.

If you care for someone, then you have to accept everything that comes with them.

I agree. :thumbsup:
Its seems like I'm the only one who is going to say no, this wont make me very popular. Reason for this is i lost my parents when i was 8 and i never felt accepted by people that raised me. I'm afraid that i will fail to accept the kid and i don't want him/her to go through the things i had to. I'm not much of a dad material anyway.

Beside that there are plenty of good looking woman that don't have a kid.

Will E Worm

If what you say is true then what would you say about men with children that don't have a wife and mother for their children, are they guilible too or are they some how immune to what you say about single mothers?

It goes for both.

We do live in a society where it's up to a single parent if she or he wants to get married or be with someone or wants to remain single and have fun in the meantime, it's not exactly law that a single parent must be married in order to raise kids. As long as they have family and friends to help them out if they need it then who cares?

A messed up society. Having "fun" is what got her the children in the first place. :tongue:

I am not dating her, it was a one off NSA sex and I didn't know she had kids til after I fucked her. I have a girlfriend and we are in an open relationship. In some places in the world some women are grandmothers before they are 30.

Well, isn't that special. :D :tongue:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
If you care for someone, then you have to accept everything that comes with them.

You don't "have to" accept anything, especially if it's problematic to the relationship.

My friendship with my best friend of almost 9 years came to an end not too long ago. I love her like a sister, but she did things that were problematic to our relationship and we are no longer friends because of it. I didn't "have to" accept her childish behavior and acts of selfishness just because I care for her...so I didn't.

:2 cents:
If the 'kid' is a kid (under 13), no. Over 14? Sure.

Been there, done that, never again.

Either I'm the Dad or forget it.
You don't "have to" accept anything, especially if it's problematic to the relationship.

My friendship with my best friend of almost 9 years came to an end not too long ago. I love her like a sister, but she did things that were problematic to our relationship and we are no longer friends because of it. I didn't "have to" accept her childish behavior and acts of selfishness just because I care for her...so I didn't.

:2 cents:

When I first got with this girl she told me that these are her children, and they always come first, if you cannot accept that, then we have finished before we started.

That, in my eyes, is a completely honest and caring thing she said.
Being in a relationship is about compromise, you cannot have your own way all the time.

You have to take the rough with the smooth.
No you don't have to accept anything in life, but when it comes to relationships, its all about give and take, and compromise. :2 cents:
There is something alluring about dating a mother. For one you know she's fertile, so thats's incentive.

Secondly, just the milf concept is hot in itself.
I have given this much thought and have decided I probably would if the kid wasnt too young as I dont want the hassle.

So long as me and the mother can be what we can be!
i not only dated a women with a kid i nearly married her i loved her kid to death i miss her alot to this day to bad her mom was a whore

her kid was 4 yrs old btw


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
While very uncomfortable at the time, it is sorta funny watching the mom's face when, during the adult swim, there's a knock on the bedroom door and the little one wants something from momma.
Fuck yes.

I think of it as a turn on with the whole MILF thing. I wouldn't say no.


Is somewhere outhere.
I'd still rather not do it.

I think if I liked her that much to the point that the kid thing didn't
matter then I'd go through with it.But I think it would be a lot easier
if the kid was really young instead of the kid being a teenager.Which
can make things difficult if you don't get along.

In that situation it's a bit of a sticky one.