You don't "have to" accept anything, especially if it's problematic to the relationship.
My friendship with my best friend of almost 9 years came to an end not too long ago. I love her like a sister, but she did things that were problematic to our relationship and we are no longer friends because of it. I didn't "have to" accept her childish behavior and acts of selfishness just because I care for I didn't.
:2 cents:
When I first got with this girl she told me that these are her children, and they always come first, if you cannot accept that, then we have finished before we started.
That, in my eyes, is a completely honest and caring thing she said.
Being in a relationship is about compromise, you cannot have your own way all the time.
You have to take the rough with the smooth.
No you don't
have to accept anything in life, but when it comes to relationships, its all about give and take, and compromise. :2 cents: