Would you buy a Chinese Car ever?

i remember 10 years ago i wud never buy a korean car, but now they are OK... ive been foloowing chinese cars for a while now and they are doing ok in middle east... here some info about them
Chinese Cars
Maybe if they improve their quality, but not the way they are now.
Like you said, Korean cars came onto the market with a penetration strategy of selling cars dirt cheap. The quality has since gone up steadily, but the price is still very low. I would have no problems owning a Kia or Hyundai, they have both come a long way as vehicle manufacturers. Will China be the same? Time will tell, I'll be watching, but I kinda have some doubts.


Closed Account
If someone offered me a chinese car for £10, I'd probably say yes. I wouldn't use it and probably just abandon it on the side of the road, but for £10 it would be a cheap laugh.


Hmm... Let me think about it... No.
Not too long ago the question could have been asked about a Japanese car.They then got their act together and became the makers of the most reliable cars on the market.The Chinese will be up there before long , I see plenty of Chinese goods (largely electronic) which are of the highest quality so I know what they are capable of.
There is a concept known as "relative advantage" where one section of the population can do something better or more efficiently than the rest.At the moment China is becoming best at manufacturing and therefore will outcompete the rest.At one time it was Britain , now it's the USA and next it will be China.


Staff member
no never, I will rather buy a german, a swedish or an old 60-70's american car.


Retired Mod
The difference between China and the other countries like Korea and Japan that China is being compared to is, unlike those other countries, in every sector of manufacturing and production China's products are being recalled for ether safety or health risks. Toothpaste, toys, food, you name it. China has no manufacturing standards that would allow me to feel safe using any of their products even at below market prices.
The difference between China and the other countries like Korea and Japan that China is being compared to is, unlike those other countries, in every sector of manufacturing and production China's products are being recalled for ether safety or health risks. Toothpaste, toys, food, you name it. China has no manufacturing standards that would allow me to feel safe using any of their products even at below market prices.
That's exactly the reason why I wouldn't buy a car from a Chinese company. From a Japanese company that produces in China probably, because the Japanese company manufactures within the regularities given for example by the European Union or other trustworthy national oder supra-national entities. That means the products are subject to regular examinations and have to comply with certain standards and regulations. Mind the millions of toys from China that had to be withdrawn by the European Union and the German government last year for being contaminated with lead. Very healthy.

For something else @ marquis2: Are you from Britain? Or why are you uttering the "unhistorical" opinion that Britain was the leading manufacturer once? Already forgotten about France, Germany and Japan? Britain was perhaps leading at some point in time in one branch of trade or one industrial sector but that's it.
I will not now or ever do anything to support that country. Ever. :mad:

You must not read the book about "Not buying Chinese products for 30 days"

It is almosts impossible not to buy any products made in China these days.

Their cars are pretty good because they have stretegic partners with GM, German Benz, and many other European car companies.

The Chinese are not that stupid, they hired the best Italian car designers, use the German engineering and the Japanese work ethnics and management style.

But there is really a poor Chinese dealership network except in the west coast and Toyota will still dominate the market for many years to
come. Korean cars have come a long way.

I will buy one if there is a Chinese dealership here in Buffalo, NY !