Worst US president of the last 50 years

worst prez

  • Kennedy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • LBJ

    Votes: 2 1.4%
  • Nixon

    Votes: 7 5.0%
  • Ford

    Votes: 2 1.4%
  • Carter

    Votes: 14 10.1%
  • Reagan

    Votes: 7 5.0%
  • Bush I

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Clinton

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Bush II

    Votes: 72 51.8%
  • Obama

    Votes: 34 24.5%

  • Total voters


Re: Worst US president of the last 50 years:

Carter. This man was a disaster on so many levels, I don't know where to start...horribly flimsy foreign policy, skyrocketing interest rates, or signing the US Dept of Education into law.
The so called dept of education has proven to be nothing more than a disaster for education with their $1oo billion annual budget, public school students aren't as well educated as they were pre 1980. Yep, once again, the taxpayers pay more and their sons and daughters get less in return.

I'm really tempted to ask Petra for permission to turn the voting in this poll public so we can see who the idiots who voted for Obama are.

Glad Petra was against....otherwise I would have been exposed for hacking FOs and voting multiple times for Obama....

You'll have to forgive me though, I thought it was the '12 election and Obama was up against Perry, Bachmann or Romney...:)


Closed Account
W. Bush is the worst president in the last fifty years. On the number two list I'd put Carter. I took a test on which U.S. President I'd most likely to be and I got Carter.
Re: Worst US president of the last 50 years:

Carter. This man was a disaster on so many levels, I don't know where to start...horribly flimsy foreign policy, skyrocketing interest rates, or signing the US Dept of Education into law.
The so called dept of education has proven to be nothing more than a disaster for education with their $1oo billion annual budget, public school students aren't as well educated as they were pre 1980. Yep, once again, the taxpayers pay more and their sons and daughters get less in return.


re education -- oh absolutely agree. downhill ever since ...thread here Fac.

Not really... live outside of the tenement dwellings, get a decent job and start paying taxes one day...you'll see how outrageous and unsustainable amabo's expenditures are.

What is a trillion dollars? :helpme: :facepalm:

I understand someone saying he's a bad president but for someone to say that he's the worst in fifty years shows how little knowledge one has about presidential history. Not even three years into his presidency and you're wiling to make such a bold statement. Why is he the worst? Because of the economy? Keep in mind that he inherited this mess, it wasn't of his doing.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Historical perspective is completely lost on this poll.


Ace Bandage

The one and only.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Chester A Arthur he's history's greatest monster!


I understand someone saying he's a bad president but for someone to say that he's the worst in fifty years shows how little knowledge one has about presidential history. Not even three years into his presidency and you're wiling to make such a bold statement. Why is he the worst? Because of the economy? Keep in mind that he inherited this mess, it wasn't of his doing.

I selected Carter, btw, but I don't think that it's unreasonable for others to pick Obama as the worst. Really, when is the spending going to stop? Do you have the vaguest idea how much interest we'll be paying on this monumental debt?

Listen, I know what Obama is doing, he's implanting as many socialist programs as possible, regardless of what it costs the working taxpayers, be they high income (those greedy-evil rich private jet guys), sub $200k per year (middle class) or low income earners. What does he care, he'll be long gone when regular everyday middle class people will suddenly merge with the lower income earners, we'll become another Brasil with only two classes of people, the rich an the poor...is there any promise in that?... this is so predictable!

Let me ask you, have you ever worked with sums of money into the trillions of dollars on paper before?, most of us haven't, we haven't had any reason to, but try it sometime, it's simply staggering!...thanks to 'w' and obama the big spenders, we get to get acquainted with the value of a trillion... lucky us! :facepalm:

How many trillion dollars does obama have this debt up to now?
I've simply lost track. :helpme:
I selected Carter, btw, but I don't think that it's unreasonable for others to pick Obama as the worst. Really, when is the spending going to stop? Do you have the vaguest idea how much interest we'll be paying on this monumental debt?
He told Americans he was going to spend on health care reform. He spent money to stimulate the economy...some say it didn't work..I say it worked for what it could do....create jobs solving/fixing things that need be solved and fixed. Undoubtedly the money earned by people working on stimulus jobs filtered it's way to local economies. It is utterly reasonable to extrapolate from that the stimulus save or created jobs down the line that otherwise wouldn't have been. That spending was worthwhile IMO. Continuing on spending....I think most reasonable people think bailing out GM and Chrysler with loans and investment was as successful as can be ascertained at this point. The war spending: The draw down in Iraq happened on schedule and the requisite escalation in Afghanistan appears to have salvaged that effort and likely partly responsible for AQ taking significant losses in the past months.

Now the spending is worthwhile in the long term. What we can't afford is for an "incorrigible" cabal of rancorous n00bs to be in congress holding the g'ment hostage and causing our credit rating to be damaged ....and causing us to pay even more on this money.:2 cents:
Listen, I know what Obama is doing, he's implanting as many socialist programs as possible, regardless of what it costs the working taxpayers, be they high income (those greedy-evil rich private jet guys), sub $200k per year (middle class) or low income earners. What does he care, he'll be long gone when regular everyday middle class people will suddenly merge with the lower income earners, we'll become another Brasil with only two classes of people, the rich an the poor...is there any promise in that?... this is so predictable!

Let me ask you, have you ever worked with sums of money into the trillions of dollars on paper before?, most of us haven't, we haven't had any reason to, but try it sometime, it's simply staggering!...thanks to 'w' and obama the big spenders, we get to get acquainted with the value of a trillion... lucky us! :facepalm:
"Most of us"?:facepalm:
How many trillion dollars does obama have this debt up to now?
I've simply lost track. :helpme:

He's had help. If you just want to strip off what's Obama's then that is a minimal amount of the debt.:2 cents: