Worst movie / film of all time

Dumb and Dumber (1994)
Tom Green's 'Freddy got fingered'. Or any other movie with that fucking bastard. :mad: :mad: :mad: Enough said. :thefinger
Napoleon Dynamite
Dragon Wars
Blair Witch Project
Don't know if someone said this already, but I would have to say I Spit On Your Grave was the worst film I have ever seen. Ever. Ewww.
recently saw Manos: The Hands of Fate. thankfully i saw the MST3K version, which still was bad.

Spider-Man 3 was pretty bad in recent movies.
Spider-Man 3 was pretty bad in recent movies.

Pretty sad really. It had great effects, but the story was just lacking I don't know if there was really a better way they could have sped up the black suit in order to cut out The Sandman and just have Venom as the main villain.

The whole connection between The Sandman and he death of Uncle Ben was kind of lame.

The New Goblin (Harry) was lame... especially the costume and the snow-board thing. That was just way to ghey.

Not to mention the whole disco/emo Peter city-sidewalk strut scene.
It was like they didn't want to make the movie too dark and to lighten it up they threw that crap in there.

I still think 2 was the best. The Doc Oc effects were amazing and Alfred Molina brought so much to the character.

the first movie would have been a lot better if they didn't make the Goblin look like a frickin robot. Willem Dafoe had an evil enough fce they could have kept it more natural. There are some conceptual drawings on the DVD that show a much better version of the goblin with the long hat and what looks like a real face v. the crazy helmet thing. The worst scene in that movie is when they're talking on the rooftop because neither of them have moving mouths... it was just a weird scene.


It's good to be the king...
Epic Movie
Date Movie
Meet The Spartans

Any spoof comedy made after Naked Gun, which was awesome.

Yep - Epic Movie is truly GODAWFUL!!

(except for Jennifer "White Bitch" Coolidge)
I am Legend is pretty close ... truly terrible
Anything with Will Ferrell in .. especially Ron Burgundy ... one tedious knob joke after another

dick van cock

Closed Account
The Sixth Sense


Metaphysical hocuspocus for the simple-minded. I'd rather watch Beach Blanket Bingo again... :crash:

"Shyamalan, may you rot and burn in hell!"

(Johnny Cash at San Quentin)
^^^What he said.^^^

I'm going to go out on a hugh limb here and guess that neither of you actually seen a Michael Moore film, but are just Moore hating because you are Republicans or love GWBush. That's been the case with my Republican friends almost to a man. I tell them, I'm from out of town but isn't that called not knowing what you're talking about?

The Sixth Sense


Metaphysical hocuspocus for the simple-minded. I'd rather watch Beach Blanket Bingo again... :crash:

"Shyamalan, may you rot and burn in hell!"

(Johnny Cash at San Quentin)

You're kidding right? The Sixth Sence I knew when I saw the trailer was going to be a classic. That's almost up there with The Omen (original).

I am Legend is pretty close ... truly terrible
Anything with Will Ferrell in .. especially Ron Burgundy ... one tedious knob joke after another

I would almost agree with the Will Ferrell thing, except Taladega Nights really is funny (borderline bathroom humor which I hate). You got to at least admit that was his best (which I'm sure you will agree isn't saying much).
I'm 22

The Medallion with Jackie Chan. that was one of the worst movies i've ever watched ever. probably the worst.

Second worst: Cheaper By The Dozen

Third Worst: The Good Sheperd

what do these movies have in common? They are totall utterly BORING. Batshit boring, boring as a doornob, got bored to death watching them.

The Good sheperd, NOTHING happens, and the other two, stuffed happened, but it wasn't exciting, or funny or anything

i hate wasting time on bad movies, unfortunately the only way you'll know its a bad movie is if you waste time on it

bah, humbug.
I am Legend is pretty close ... truly terrible
Anything with Will Ferrell in .. especially Ron Burgundy ... one tedious knob joke after another

I knew you had to be little off when you mentioned I am Legend, the ending could have been better, but that doesn't make it anywhere near the worst movie ever. When you mentioned Will Ferrell though, and Anchorman, well sir you just went too far.;) It is one of the greatest movies in recent history.
I am Legend is pretty close

I almost beat up a guy because of this movie. true story.

I was at the video store and the person I was with asked me what I thought of the movie, and I just said, "that movie sucks."

and then the fucking guy at the counter thats works at the video store, who I wasn't even talking to, started freaking out. He was like, "what! what? How dare you insult that moive! that is my favorite movie!" and I said, "it was totally unfaithful to the book." and he kept going on, "it doesn't matter. who cares about the book? it was a great movie! Don't you say anything bad about that movie, don't make me throw you out of here!"

and I was like, "come on. will smith? give me a break. It was hollywood trash." and he was all "argh!" and then stammered, "hollywood..hollywood!"

So I said, "that's your favorite movie? what other movies do you like?" and he named a few good ones, and then Micheal Clayton.and I said, "see? now I don't like george clooney." and he started getting pissed off again and once more became falbbergasted saying "cloony..cloony! He's an amazing actor!"

At which point I replied, "Dude, what about Batman and Robin? that's all I really have to say." and he was all, "So he made a mistake! Haven't you ever made a mistake!?"

I was pissed off at this crazy guy, but it was so ridiculous that I couldn't help but find it hilarious.
Texas Chain Saw Massacre II
Texas Chain Saw Massacre III
Texas Chain Saw Massacre: The Remake
Texas Chain Saw Massacre: The Prequel

Poltergeist III

Friday The 13th (pts 1 - 10)

Nightmare Vacation III: Teenage Wasteland (redeemed only by some hot chicks)