I am Legend is pretty close
I almost beat up a guy because of this movie. true story.
I was at the video store and the person I was with asked me what I thought of the movie, and I just said, "that movie sucks."
and then the fucking guy at the counter thats works at the video store, who I wasn't even talking to, started freaking out. He was like, "what! what? How dare you insult that moive! that is my favorite movie!" and I said, "it was totally unfaithful to the book." and he kept going on, "it doesn't matter. who cares about the book? it was a great movie! Don't you say anything bad about that movie, don't make me throw you out of here!"
and I was like, "come on. will smith? give me a break. It was hollywood trash." and he was all "argh!" and then stammered, "hollywood..hollywood!"
So I said, "that's your favorite movie? what other movies do you like?" and he named a few good ones, and then Micheal Clayton.and I said, "see? now I don't like george clooney." and he started getting pissed off again and once more became falbbergasted saying "cloony..cloony! He's an amazing actor!"
At which point I replied, "Dude, what about Batman and Robin? that's all I really have to say." and he was all, "So he made a mistake! Haven't you ever made a mistake!?"
I was pissed off at this crazy guy, but it was so ridiculous that I couldn't help but find it hilarious.