The best acting I have ever seen nick cage do is his nonspeaking role in Fast times at ridgemont high
The best acting I have ever seen nick cage do is his nonspeaking role in Fast times at ridgemont high
One of the worst movies I have ever seen was called "S.I.C.K." I watched it like 5 years ago, it was one of those movies in the video store where they only had one copy of it on the shelves. Should have known that it was bad, hahaha. Anyways it was horrible, shitty story, looked like it was filmed on a handheld camera and the gore was just terrible. Like one decapation scene, and the person basically was a manniquin and got its head chopped off, talk about no special effects. Either way it was really bad, but you can't expect much more from a low budget horror movie. Probably not the worst movie of all time, but it was really bad...
from ed wood
Any movie that features Eddie Murphy.
Originally Posted by McNab
Anything with Kate Beckinsale.
Dem sounds like fightin' words to me!