Worst Genre of Music?

But I couldnt be bothered to go back and look up how to spell your username ;)

You impudent imbecile!! It's only Japanese, how hard can it be!!


But if that makes it easier, you can call me "Please die!".:D
You impudent imbecile!! It's only Japanese, how hard can it be!!


But if that makes it easier, you can call me "Please die!".:D

Ahhh!!! ::shakes fist::

It probably would have come out as something like Shine-duck-asi. Which is pretty close, but who knows how someone is going to react when you spell their username wrong :D. I mean a riot breaks out everytime someone types my name in with only one capitalized B's (Blueballs :eek:). I go absolutly ape shit, I punch things, I strangle chimps and I kick little children. But, not everyone reacts like I do....

I'll get it right one of these days ... :dunno: ... unless you like Shineduckasi? :1orglaugh
I'll get it right one of these days ... :dunno: ... unless you like Shineduckasi? :1orglaugh

Nooo... but at least I'll know who you're talking to. :tongue: :1orglaugh

I liked the choking chimps thing by the way. Think I'll try this next time my melon turns red... :D
This is purely personal, I'm not restricted to any specific genres.

But I like it when bands play their own music, or when artists write their own songs, which is part of why I don't like the super-commercial, sampled R&B and "hip hop" of today - Chris Brown, Rihanna, 50 Cent, Jay-Z, etc.
I've nothing against hip hop or soul though, like some of the old Motown artists or Bone Thugs n Harmony for example.

Braindead metal like grindcore, speedcore, deathcore, black metal, death metal etc etc whatever doesn't interest me either. It's talentless and to me it smells like all they strive to do is upset conservative parents and scare their class mates by drinking blood or something. Cannibal Corpse for example, total shit IMO and I don't understand how people can enjoy listening to it.
Some thrash metal is cool though, but that too is a bit too... not music, for my taste.

Screamo and pre-pubertal emotional music is not my cup of tea either. Don't care much for the wussy "no one understands me" idea behind it all.

Noisy music too. Like punk music (not bands like The Clash, who's music is more rock IMO) and some instrumental music. I'm a big fan of Pink Floyd, but some of their tracks are just garbage made while tripping. Same thing goes for Jimi Hendrix, who had this weird fetish for distortion.

Basically, I like genuine music that has melody and is nice to listen to - what genre it belongs to matters very little to me :)
Progressive Rock

Morally indefensible, but Prog Rock is one of my guilty pleasures to the extent that I'm open with my g/f about my porn collection but hide my early Genesis, mid-period Tull, King Crimson and Caravan colleciton :D
I mean a riot breaks out everytime someone types my name in with only one capitalized B's (Blueballs :eek:). I go absolutly ape shit, I punch things, I strangle chimps and I kick little children. But, not everyone reacts like I do....

Sorry, Blueballs! I'll be sure to get the correct spelling of your name from now on, Blueballs! My mistake! Have a nice day, Blueballs! :hatsoff:

I wonder how many innocent chimps just lost their lives because of this post? :D
Did you even read my first post?

I clearly stated I wanted opinions, and as I have said when I had to explained the nature of this thread to another memeber. All I was looking for were peoples opinions, I cant see where in my original post I asked for the entire board to come to a consensus as to what we think the worst genre in music is. No all I asked for were opinions.

Yes, maybe the title of the thread is a little misleading but I would expect those of you who actually came and posted on this thread would actually read what the intentions of the thread were when I started it.

What in your opinion is the worst musical genre?

I used to love the flavour of Rap in other genres, however, I have started hate hip hop with a passion. To me, hip hop is like dark chocolate (no racial reference intended), it is great with other flavours but by itself it is overwhelming. Meaning, I still don't mind hip hop mixed with other genres but, by itself, a lot of intolerable garbage is being moulded into it.

I don't know. It's a subjective question... The people who don't understand rap will say that it's the worst genre. The ones who don't get country will say country. Deathmetal, Etc. You can find gems in any genre, if you look hard enough.
Country and also speedcore, like putting your washing machine on.