Worse things to say when having an orgasm

Womun, I'm putting the pud-ding in ya puuussy with the jello puddin pop, ahah hah hah! Mr. Huxtable doesn'ta play with the puusssy! ahah hah.

Best Cosby impression I could mannage en text. lol.
Smile! You're on Candid Camera!
So I was telling Bob about the new type 212's today and he said that they introduced them into his company 3 months ago. Didn't I tell ya we were falling behind the competition? This proves it, so I sent Mr Jefferson quite an irate email about it, telling him that these are the reasons why our company is nearly bankrupt, blah, blah, blah. I was really assertive about it too, which I'm regretting a little because you shouldnt really speak to your boss in such a way. But, I believe in this company dammit, I;ve been there since the beginning and to find out we're falling behind is breaking my heart. All these questions keep going through my head, am I going to get fired? What's going to happen to us and the kid? It keeps me up at night. So I get an email back from Mr Jefferson who politely tells me he doesn't like to be spoken to in such a way .... what a cunt he is! Then he begins to write this whole page worth of shit telling me why they haven't switched over yet, which it bullshit because it's a much faster and easier way to transfer such materials, you know what I'm saying? Of course you do. I need to piss....
Jesus! The force of the splooge leaving my body has.... created vacuum.... sucking my asshole... out... through my dickhole... turning... inside-out! Oh god.... must stop coming... oh god... oh god... Not again!