sorry but whats your name again?
Smells like Bleach.
Weird! The complete opposite of me. I remain silent, still, motionless. Then after 3mins 43seconds I stand up salute the four points of the compass while hopping & jump out the window.
I'm sure if you did this ^ there would be a pretty awkward silence afterwards.....
Why chefchitown! You sweet talker you! :shy:"Did you know that if you took the square root of Pi and multiplied it by the common denominator that is found between the respective numbers of the tilt of the Earth's axis, the diameter of a regulation size softball and the precise weight of your first born child, the sum would be greater than that of the dividend in the Quadratic Formula over the zip code that contains THE SMALLEST MULTIPLE OF SEVEN?!?!?!?"
...from this creature of God! Be gone! In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!!!!!!!