Worlds most offensive joke


Just watched this and found it amusing


So What your best religious jokes

heres a couple from me


Whats white, sticky and moves across the sky at a thousand miles an hour?

The coming of the Lord


How does Jesus masturbate?

Like your hand flat on your groin, palm side down and mimic jerking off using the hole in your hand


Will E Worm

I guess I can start a thread about offensive jokes regarding color, culture, and other things if this thread is allowed to stay open.

Hmmm, what should I start with?

:D :Flame:


Bill Hicks probably has some great ones.....Though my favourite joke of his is about fife alabama and going to a possible ET sighting.
EDIT: I posted this without even reading the first post. These "jokes" aren't religious in nature so they may be slightly out of place. :D

What do you call it when you put a baby in a blender?
An erection.


The last joke I left in the other "joke" thread seemed to offend at least one person:

A young mother walks into her baby's bedroom late at night to find her husband standing over the crib.
She walks up to him and says; "honey what's wrong with our baby?"
He looks at her and says; "I fucked it to death"

Or something like that....

Dead baby jokes . . . yeah :cool:


One fine morning in Eden, God was looking for Adam and Eve, but couldn't find them. Later in the day God saw Adam and asked where he and Eve were earlier. Adam said, "The morning Eve and I made love for the first time."

God said, "Adam, you have sinned. I knew this would happen. Where is Eve now?"

Adam replied, "She's down at the river, washing herself out."

"Damn," says God, "now all the fish will smell funny."
Here's a good joke I once heard comedian Charlie Hill tell

How do you get a Nun pregnant?

You dress her up like an Altar Boy



Here's a good joke I once heard comedian Charlie Hill tell

How do you get a Nun pregnant?

You dress her up like an Altar Boy

That's a dumb joke, you just look for ways to insult people and their families.

The joke goes like this...(there is just one Nun Pregnancy Joke):

How do you get a Nun pregnant?

Answer: Fuck her.
Is it even kosher to post jokes about people out of your culture? I would think it's almost to the time where you will be jailed for such. Anyway, I'd probably get banned if I posted mine. Too bad the world is full of a bunch of cry babies.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Jesus Christ walks into a hotel. He hands the inkeeper three nails and asks...

"Can you put me up for the night?"
Why can't Jesus eat M&M's?

They keep falling through his hands.
EDIT: I posted this without even reading the first post. These "jokes" aren't religious in nature so they may be slightly out of place. :D

What do you call it when you put a baby in a blender?
An erection.


The last joke I left in the other "joke" thread seemed to offend at least one person:

Or something like that....

Dead baby jokes . . . yeah :cool:

You've probably heard this one before,

What is the difference between a pile of dead babies and a ferrari?
I don't have a ferrari in my garage.