Well, considering the insurmountable amount of pressure forced upon these institutions via govt. mandate -> treating anybody and everybody that walks through the door, legal citizens, illegal residents, insured patients and, more than likely, uninsured resident patients and uninsured non resident patients, they do the best that they can.
I don't chide the hospitals one bit ! I know two nurses that work at different hospitals and they share the same story - The institution of healthcare has become undermined by those in positions of political power who desire that private practice medicine is to end. These revisionist politicians apparently want to bring the whole thing down and essentially force an equally - least common denominator health care system upon us and they're using the law to do it.
One again, here's your socialism, good people . . just line up like good obedient ladies and gentlemen and we will provide you with a doctor that we feeeeeel would best suit your needs.
"Oh, the good doctor doesn't understand english very well . . the translator will be in tomorrow at 3 . .
so sorry . . . . Mr. . . . what was your name again, sir ? Could we reschedule for tomorrow so that the translator . . ." :walks off: