Woman Waits 19 hours at Dallas Hospital . . .

That kind of shit happens all the time unfortunately.

I read in the news paper one time of an old woman [in her eighties] lying in a hospital bed in the corridor for nearly two and a half days and nothing was done about it to move her or attend to her reason for being there.
Thank goodness we don't have that socialized medicine!!!
But that's not how Milbrodt sees it. "It should have been more like them paying me for having to sit in the emergency room for 19 hours," she told The Dallas Morning News.

If sitting in the emergency room was a legitimate profession, I'm with this chick, I would sooooooo do it!


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Parkland officials say the bill was appropriate because a nurse spent time checking her vital signs to assess her level of need.

I don't know if this issue will be taken to court or not, but, this lady obviously doesn't know how medical care works. She is being charged because she was assessed, which is considered medical treatment. Medical treatment isn't free, so...sucks for her.

Although it is really stupid, this lady is going to have to pay (unless some legal miracle takes place).
When I walk down the street I'm sure there have been times one doctor or another might have slightly glanced in my direction. I hope I'm not charged a couple thousand dollars for being assessed by them.

...and boy isn't it good we don't have those long waits like those people with socialized medicine. :rolleyes:

Maybe we should just consider obtaining money over helping people as a gross violation of the oaths people in the medical community take and either forever revoke their ability to practice it while stripping them of their all their wealth when that occurs or just shoot them.


Well, considering the insurmountable amount of pressure forced upon these institutions via govt. mandate -> treating anybody and everybody that walks through the door, legal citizens, illegal residents, insured patients and, more than likely, uninsured resident patients and uninsured non resident patients, they do the best that they can.

I don't chide the hospitals one bit ! I know two nurses that work at different hospitals and they share the same story - The institution of healthcare has become undermined by those in positions of political power who desire that private practice medicine is to end. These revisionist politicians apparently want to bring the whole thing down and essentially force an equally - least common denominator health care system upon us and they're using the law to do it.

One again, here's your socialism, good people . . just line up like good obedient ladies and gentlemen and we will provide you with a doctor that we feeeeeel would best suit your needs.
"Oh, the good doctor doesn't understand english very well . . the translator will be in tomorrow at 3 . .
so sorry . . . . Mr. . . . what was your name again, sir ? Could we reschedule for tomorrow so that the translator . . ." :walks off:


what the fuck you lookin at?
I don't go to the hospital for anything. If it was something bad enough that I had to go...I'd be pissed having to wait. An hour is my limit for waiting patiently. Hell after a half hour I'd start getting pissed. I'd be getting louder and louder after 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 I'd be swearing pretty fuckin loud. 4 hours, I'd be throwing magazines at the lady behind the desk...5 hours chairs grow wings! 19 hours and someone is gonna die!
And people use the argument that Canada's hospitals have longer wait times than American hospitals when defending the healthcare crisis in the US.:rolleyes: