"they" hate us because we've been mucking around in their business for decades. They hate us because we've had troops around their homes for also, decades (yes, there are those religious fundamentalists that hate us just because, but in reality religious fundamentalism doesn't hold a candle to the power of nationalism).
--So long story short, imho, Jealousy plays a bigger role than rightful indignation.---
I would contend that 'our mucking around..' is excused because they had the capacity to facilitate our more dangerous adversaries at the time. Also, they had no compunction about sending their kgb trained terrorists to blow Americans up in NYC in 1973 (one of them is about to be released from prison this year after serving more than half his sentence) which is pretty darn early on, if you want to consider the start of the American/Muslim fight (I consider the terrorists to be orthodox Muslims, not heretics) to be somewhere around the birth of modern Israel.
I would also contend that the operative word really is *weakness* where unlike the West, a weakened foe is one you can negotiate with, the Muslim world (and much of the rest of the world) sees weakness AS an incitement to attack, almost like the sight of weakness, or concilatory behavior BEGS for attack.
If you don't think this is possible, note the writings of lifelong "Moscow watchers" where the longer you study Russia, the more they confound you. There really ARE different worldviews, different perceptions of reality. I think a lot of liberals can't understand this, they can't understand that some people can't see the world the way they see it. That it's possible that MOST of the world sees things differently. To the muslim world might DOES make right. If you are weak, you MUST be incorrect. I remember an Iraqi man telling me that a just, democratic man couldn't last in Iraq. That he would be immediately killed and eventually replaced by a strongman, because deep down, that's the only man they would accept.
Guantanamo wouldn't be seen as an act of reconciliation, but an admission that the U.S. is wrong on it's whole outlook on Muslims, on it's place in the world, and not just the GWOT. It would be INVITING "justice" being visited on us uppity Kaffirs because we now admitted we were wrong in fighting back against the pious muslim mujahaddin. Simultaneously, it would be an irresistable call for muslims to take real or percieved dominance over the U.S. in world affaris, sort of like the way a wolf cannot resist the scent of a wounded elk's
(or maybe a fat sloppy pig is more fitting for how they view America) blood.
They really do see life differently than we do. Take for example muslim clerical deliberations on the acceptance of Welfare in Western Europe. It's not something to be embarassed of as a muslim man, but actually PROOF of Allah's providing victory for Muslims over the kaffir, the infidel. Because Allah says that the Infidel may live provided that he pays Jizyah to his majestic overlords (read protection money) in the modern era, it shows that not only is the infidel still subservient, but the return of muslim De Facto dominance is at hand.
Going back to the part where we cite the proponderance of American-occupied nations from which terrorists Hail, I need to admit that is correct, and that we have provoked them the way that a man trying to break up the flop-house down the street provokes the tenants, whether they be good or bad acters.
I then want to point out that the intelligentsia, the leadership often comes from Pakistan, Yemen, Sudan, Bahrain, Kuwait, Lebanon, exiles in Switzerland, germany, france, the UK. We can't be responsible for these people. They choose their fate. And they may be outraged, even if they aren't from occupied or american-opressed countries, because we are an insult to the Ummah. The muslim collective identity born out of centuries of conquest. Whenever we defeat them, or kill one of their own, it's an indicator to them that Islam is weaker.
They can't abide by that because their religion is a young man's fantasy. You are muslim, you are the virile, all conquering warrior. Infidels must cower at your feet, women are yours for the taking. When they are humiliated by us, it casts doubt on all that. It's like an atheist making a strong case to strong-faithed Christians against the existence of God. It undoes their whole world view, everything unravels.