Will Obama Close Guantanomo ?

The Guantanomo Bay will be closed in a year and I am glad. See if the US wants to be taken serious by the world, if they want to be the "good guys" and promote democracy around the world, then they shouldn't break the international laws themselves by having a camp housing suspects who have no rights and for some, even no criminal activities to speak of. If you don't like it closing well tough luck because it's a new Administration in the White House now and the Bush is long gone. So get used to it.
yeah, who needs the rest of the world? It's not like they invest in our economy or provide us with imported resources...

But really, I think we should build a big bubble around the US like in the Simpsons movie, that would be fun.
Some responses in that thread are really infuriating me as an European but I guess that naivety is unfortunately a flaw that you find in many people. Do you honestly fucking think that closing Guantanamo will make your country safer? No, not really. Sending them back on the American soil and thinking they are innocent when it is not really the case, is another proof of naivety. When will you realize that victimizing terrorists is not the solution. If Obama was a real Christian, he would go to the church and he wouldn't be a friend of Louis Farrakhan and a friend of some radical islamists that were mentioned previously in the elections threads. We know that goddamn fucking Europe and a lot of its countries are lead by leftists governments hated Reagan and hated the Bush senior and junior administration, but really ass kissed and were fanboys to death of the Clinton administration. How typical:scream::rolleyes:
Now same thing with Obama. I have absolutely not a single ounce of sympathy encouraging people appraising leftism, yes not a single ounce of sympathy and anyways the goddamn Europe of 27 will fall down one day or another.
Some responses in that thread are really infuriating me as an European but I guess that naivety is unfortunately a flaw that you find in many people. Do you honestly fucking think that closing Guantanamo will make your country safer? No, not really. Sending them back on the American soil and thinking they are innocent when it is not really the case, is another proof of naivety. When will you realize that victimizing terrorists is not the solution. If Obama was a real Christian, he would go to the church and he wouldn't be a friend of Louis Farrakhan and a friend of some radical islamists that were mentioned previously in the elections threads. We know that goddamn fucking Europe and a lot of its countries are lead by leftists governments hated Reagan and hated the Bush senior and junior administration, but really ass kissed and were fanboys to death of the Clinton administration. How typical:scream::rolleyes:
Now same thing with Obama. I have absolutely not a single ounce of sympathy encouraging people appraising leftism, yes not a single ounce of sympathy and anyways the goddamn Europe of 27 will fall down one day or another.

Closing Guantanamo will NOT make America safer and I'll be the first to admit that, but rounding up those people you think are terrorists is not the same as ones who have actual ties to terrorism that can be proven in court. If US has a prison where the detainees have no rights under court of law then who are we to judge countries like China who's been violating Human Rights for the longest time? America cannot violate any international law or human rights laws, however difficult that may be, or it's no better than the terrorists it's hunting imo.


The dems have IMO, exploited a republican administrations' imprisonment of islamist combatants as a form of political capital, a thorn in the side of a president that we all knew was lame, if you will. Same goes for abu gharabage. This was blown way out of proportion as the dem opportunists redefined "torture".

Again, I'm not partial to either D or R parties . . the frauds they are. :)
In terms of the original question - Will Obama Close Guantanamo? - that question was just answered in a news conference at the state departement and the answer is "yes".

More details to follow as to the processing of the 248 detainees.
The dems have IMO, exploited a republican administrations' imprisonment of islamist combatants as a form of political capital, a thorn in the side of a president that we all knew was lame, if you will. Same goes for abu gharabage. This was blown way out of proportion as the dem opportunists redefined "torture".

Again, I'm not partial to either D or R parties . . the frauds they are. :)

So by your definition, waterboarding is not torture? Please explain.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Promising to return America to the "moral high ground" in the war on terror, President Barack Obama issued three executive orders Thursday to demonstrate a clean break from the Bush administration -- including one requiring that the Guantanamo Bay detention facility be closed within a year.

Honestly, what is happening now is what i was hoping for. I'm pretty sure people held in Guantanamo can be judged within a year.

There is a canadian citizen held there since 7 years - he was 15 when he was jailed in Guantanamo and he is now 22. He have been in there 33% of his life... If he isnt proved guilty, how much $ do you think he will claim from the US government?

And that's what might happend now... a lot of lawsuits from all those proven innocent.

We might hear talking a lot about the trials in the months to come... And the lawsuits in the years to come.

GWB legacy at his best...
Honestly, what is happening now is what i was hoping for. I'm pretty sure people held in Guantanamo can be judged within a year.

There is a canadian citizen held there since 7 years - he was 15 when he was jailed in Guantanamo and he is now 22. He have been in there 33% of his life... If he isnt proved guilty, how much $ do you think he will claim from the US government?

And that's what might happend now... a lot of lawsuits from all those proven innocent.

We might hear talking a lot about the trials in the months to come... And the lawsuits in the years to come.

GWB legacy at his best...

He's being held because His father was a facilitator for Bin Laden, he's made appearances in Jihad films, and it looks like he tossed the grenade that KILLED the Delta Force medic sent in to treat his wounds.

And he doesn't consider himself a Canadian, he sees Westerners as kaffirs worthy of death. I shed no tears for him.
And he doesn't consider himself a Canadian, he sees Westerners as kaffirs worthy of death. I shed no tears for him.

Regardless, he have canadian citizenship so our governement have obligations towards him.

Again, few days ago, our Prime Minister Stephen Harper asked the USA to release him so he could be judged here (as opposed as held in Guantanamo and not judged).

In regards of the canadian governement, helding one of our citizen for 7 years is unacceptable and our Prime Ministers have constantly stated that he should be judged and innocented/condamned - by the USA or by Canada - but should not being held prisonner without any form of trial.

We arent idiots in Canada: if he is really proven that he is a terrorist, he won't be released in the nature. It's just unacceptable that USA treat a canadian citizen the way he have been in Guatanamo, which is easy to understand i think.

I beleive, as you, that he is guilty. And i also beleive he should be judged and condamned, by you (USA) or by us (Canada).
Regardless, he have canadian citizenship so our governement have obligations towards him.

Again, few days ago, our Prime Minister Stephen Harper asked the USA to release him so he could be judged here (as opposed as held in Guantanamo and not judged).

In regards of the canadian governement, helding one of our citizen for 7 years is unacceptable and our Prime Ministers have constantly stated that he should be judged and innocented/condamned - by the USA or by Canada - but should not being held prisonner without any form of trial.

We arent idiots in Canada: if he is really proven that he is a terrorist, he won't be released in the nature. It's just unacceptable that USA treat a canadian citizen the way he have been in Guatanamo, which is easy to understand i think.

I beleive, as you, that he is guilty. And i also beleive he should be judged and condamned, by you (USA) or by us (Canada).

"Regardless, he have canadian citizenship so our governement have obligations towards him."

You know that they laugh at you guys right? They have no problem using legal architecture to suit their purposes. Like the british terrorism plotter who used legal wranglings to get off scot free. He signed a promise saying he would stay under house arrest. The guy fled to Pakistan and is advising terrorist operatives there. It turns out that HE was the mastermind in the case that he was acquited for.

Today around 5:00 pm a professor of Human Rights in international law said that the U.S. should have just killed them outright rather than hold them or put them on trial. Because that is the only outcome that would be helpful for the west. I thought he was joking or testing me, but that's what the guy said--:rolleyes:
You know that they laugh at you guys right? They have no problem using legal architecture to suit their purposes. Like the british terrorism plotter who used legal wranglings to get off scot free. He signed a promise saying he would stay under house arrest. The guy fled to Pakistan and is advising terrorist operatives there. It turns out that HE was the mastermind in the case that he was acquited for.

I doubt the canadian citizen, who was 15 when the event happend, was anything else than a pawn.

Yet, i don't think that our current government (which is Conservative, Republican-friendly and pretty much sided as the Bush adminisitration was towards terrorists) could let him go in the nature like it happened in the case you mentionned.

I'm not sure how it would turn in a canadian court for him, but he can't be executed, he can't be deported and he can't be released... neither he can be jailed for life :confused:

It is probably serving his personnal agenda to use his canadian citizenship, but that is sadly something real that cannot be denied. :(

Today around 5:00 pm a professor of Human Rights in international law said that the U.S. should have just killed them outright rather than hold them or put them on trial. Because that is the only outcome that would be helpful for the west. I thought he was joking or testing me, but that's what the guy said--:rolleyes:

Killing those who are innocents is... do i need to say? Killing those who are guilty will make them become martyrs and serve the Al-Quaida agenda and propaganda. Which is the worst thing to do in my opinion. Don't feed the ennemy heart and soul! Aint it some ABC of military stategy? :dunno:


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
thus the "one nation, under god....." as in the pledge of alegance as well as "in god we trust" on every dollar you spend.
funny, i thought i wasnt the only person seeing and hearing all of this....

I think one of my pet peeves is when people read "God" and assume it's the Christian one (not to say anything else of this post, which others have already seen to).

Some responses in that thread are really infuriating me as an European but I guess that naivety is unfortunately a flaw that you find in many people. Do you honestly fucking think that closing Guantanamo will make your country safer? No, not really. Sending them back on the American soil and thinking they are innocent when it is not really the case, is another proof of naivety. When will you realize that victimizing terrorists is not the solution.

Sorry georges, but this shows you really haven't got much idea what actually causes terrorism. Seriously. I recommend some reading - at the very least, read Dying to Win by Robert Pape.

How it relates to this: closing Guantanamo likely will make the U.S. safer. How, you ask? It will weaken the radical jihadists' image of the U.S. as a tyrannical and unfair oppressor. That image is the primary fuel for terrorism against the U.S., as it provides the terrorism's support among the moderate population. If you remove that image, the moderate population isn't going to support it and the radicals themselves won't really have much to yell at anyway (because, believe it, freedom and quality of living are not why we're a terrorist target).
I doubt the canadian citizen, who was 15 when the event happend, was anything else than a pawn.

Yet, i don't think that our current government (which is Conservative, Republican-friendly and pretty much sided as the Bush adminisitration was towards terrorists) could let him go in the nature like it happened in the case you mentionned.

I'm not sure how it would turn in a canadian court for him, but he can't be executed, he can't be deported and he can't be released... neither he can be jailed for life :confused:

It is probably serving his personnal agenda to use his canadian citizenship, but that is sadly something real that cannot be denied. :(

Killing those who are innocents is... do i need to say? Killing those who are guilty will make them become martyrs and serve the Al-Quaida agenda and propaganda. Which is the worst thing to do in my opinion. Don't feed the ennemy heart and soul! Aint it some ABC of military stategy? :dunno:

who was 15 when the event happend, was anything else than a pawn.
I wouldn't say that. He had a brother who was also introduced to the lifestyle and he rejected it, they let him go home with his siblings to Canada. This little rat accepted it. As for him being a Juvenile, didn't Canada let 16 year olds join the military until fairly recently? Here in the U.S. they still let 17 year olds under certain conditions.

We also try Juveniles as adults in many states. Canada has no right to him because he killed Americans while he was in Afghanistan. They can put him
on trial after the U.S. has gotten what they need from him, justice/and or information.

As for that Proffessor, he was talking about killing them as soon as they were encountered, before anyone would have known jack about him.
I think one of my pet peeves is when people read "God" and assume it's the Christian one (not to say anything else of this post, which others have already seen to).

Sorry georges, but this shows you really haven't got much idea what actually causes terrorism. Seriously. I recommend some reading - at the very least, read Dying to Win by Robert Pape.

How it relates to this: closing Guantanamo likely will make the U.S. safer. How, you ask? It will weaken the radical jihadists' image of the U.S. as a tyrannical and unfair oppressor. That image is the primary fuel for terrorism against the U.S., as it provides the terrorism's support among the moderate population. If you remove that image, the moderate population isn't going to support it and the radicals themselves won't really have much to yell at anyway (because, believe it, freedom and quality of living are not why we're a terrorist target).

That's ridiculous---They hated us enough to behead Americans and destroy ships, bomb hotels and pilot Planes into buildings before Gitmo (which is safer than most federal lockups) and before Iraq and Abu Ghraib.

You're thinking is just from a different world, you live inside the bubble my friend. Please come out and smell the foul air of the real world.:rofl: