i see it like this and you may not agree with me but i believe the saying ignorance is bliss is one of the most profound and truest sayings ever written down.
look at america as if it were a single person. now if you take any person in the world, and go thru their house, thru every drawer and in every nook and cranny, you are going to find things that embarrass them and things they dont want anybody else to see. its just a fact in life. everyone has a skeleton in their closet.
now maintaining the same concept it it is undenyable that there are things this america person doesnt want anybody else to know about and things it keeps tucked away in the only safe places it knows for its own protection of its dignity and safety.
now back to america as it really is. i know there are things the government does that i might find morally wrong and not agree with, but they are necessaries. they allow me to be sitting here, in my barracks room, ignoring the last episode of the 3rd season of lost in the backround, drinkin my cola, and typing this message to all of you. god bless the men and women who do these things and i pray that they find peace and are still able to get a descent nights sleep regardless of the things we, the people of america, require of them in order to keep us safe and secure.
yes, i may have a biased opinion here, being a member of americas armed forces, but i am all to grateful that i have not personally been put in the situation to make one of those decisions, or be the tool america uses to cover up its embarassments. that being said, i believe it is in our, the people of americas, best interests that places like guantanamo bay remain in use. god forgive us if we are wrong, but in matters of self preservation, i believe no man can be judged.