Why Obama?

1orglaugh Hell I would be shocked if ten percent are registered Republicans.

40 something Black members of Congress & they are ALL Democrat

Republican Black congressman=0 :1orglaugh

With all of the overwhelming PROOF that Blacks vote nearly 90% Democrat every election since 1964 people still come with this nonsense. This is an easy non argument which has become rather boring.
Like I said in another post it seems as if though some people like to be devil's advocate & argue for arguments sake because the evidence is overwhelming.

I know Girk,we both know the truth here.And why should blacks vote republican? Republicans as we both know have played the racial politics game since the the 60s.So called wedge issue.Remember Willie Horton,and several other campaigns including this one.Issues like "Acorn" drummed up by the right are just another way to try to suppress the vote in the minority community.I did some voter registration work recently in both predominately white and black areas.Got asked several times in the white areas if I was with Acorn,nobody in the black neighborhoods asked me that.BTW I had no affiliation with Acorn lol.Anyone who is really into politics knows the numbers and really its not hard to understand why they are the way they are.


CCT - I cleaned it up ;)


Enough Already With The "Identity Politics" !



The secret ingredient? MY BALLS


Sounds like more B.S. It's thicker than ever right now.

I like this video and my interpretation of what they said;

They look and sound more like republican saboteurs and agent provocateurs than anything else. Why is the mood - tone so obnoxious and belligerent with the people in the video ? It's almost appears as if this event is a protest, not a gathering for a Presidential political campaign. :o

Where is this ? . . Wisconsin ? Maybe it's the cheese . . :dunno:
Oh, Bethlehem ! It's got to be God !
They look and sound more like republican saboteurs and agent provocateurs than anything else. Why is the mood - tone so obnoxious and belligerent with the people in the video ? It's almost appears as if this event is a protest, not a gathering for a Presidential political campaign. :o

Where is this ? . . Wisconsin ? Maybe it's the cheese . . :dunno:
Oh, Bethlehem ! It's got to be God !

It's pretty reflective of the stuff that people who even like me pass to me in emails. I've said it before. The Obama stuff I get is intelligent, thought out. The McCain stuff I get is racist, narrow minded, praise the lord and pass the ammunition, filled with inaccuracies.

The woman McCain corrected when he said Obama wasn't an Arab but a decent family man, got on camera later and said she had a whole bunch of facts for not voting for him. Well wasn't her credibility just ruined in front of 45 million people. I hear the same statements made again and again against Obama with little or no fact. This Ayers thing is out of hand, and they built a huge case on this ficticious Joe the Plumber who's out looking for a contract to do who knows what. Obviously Joe is a liar, and not real concerned about being a decent working guy providing health care for his employees and wondering the tax consequences of making over $250,000. He's a superstar nobody and those at republican rallies are asking the guy his opinions of what to do about Israel! They know nothing, have not done any research and therefore look to him for political advice and that's how this crap gets started. They are enraged people who want their candidate to help them vent their anger and in this case toward Obama.

In the spirit of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater doing anything to win, anything, Joe might have already got his quarter million from the republican party for a job well done. :dunno: They're like hit men the people who design these ads. It doesn't have to be true. If I start a thread with a title that suggests McCain killed babies in Vietnam, it doens't have to be true, but you'll remember it for sure!
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It's pretty reflective of the stuff that people who even like me pass to me in emails. I've said it before. The Obama stuff I get is intelligent, thought out. The McCain stuff I get is racist, narrow minded, praise the lord and pass the ammunition, filled with inaccuracies.

The woman McCain corrected when he said Obama wasn't an Arab but a decent family man, got on camera later and said she had a whole bunch of facts for not voting for him. Well wasn't her credibility just ruined in front of 45 million people. I hear the same statements made again and again against Obama with little or no fact. This Ayers thing is out of hand, and they built a huge case on this ficticious Joe the Plumber who's out looking for a contract to do who knows what. Obviously Joe is a liar, and not real concerned about being a decent working guy providing health care for his employees and wondering the tax consequences of making over $250,000. He's a superstar nobody and those at republican rallies are asking the guy his opinions of what to do about Israel! They know nothing, have not done any research and therefore look to him for political advice and that's how this crap gets started. They are enraged people who want their candidate to help them vent their anger and in this case toward Obama.

In the spirit of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater doing anything to win, anything, Joe might have already got his quarter million from the republican party for a job well done. :dunno: They're like hit men the people who design these ads. It doesn't have to be true. If I start a thread with a title that suggests McCain killed babies in Vietnam, it doens't have to be true, but you'll remember it for sure!

"Joe the plumber" has a publicist,is looking for a book deal and a country record deal I hear.The buisness he worked at as a plumber doesn't do $250k worth of biz he wasn't buying it etc etc etc.I wouldn't start a thread that McCain killed babies in vietnam eithier but not because it's not probably true because it probably is but because its really not very relevant.And yeah those people in that vid making all the comments about Obama is a traitor,terrorist etc are not surprising.Just watch Sean Hannity on Fox he has been sayin close to that for some time now.
"Joe the plumber" has a publicist,is looking for a book deal and a country record deal I hear.The buisness he worked at as a plumber doesn't do $250k worth of biz he wasn't buying it etc etc etc.I wouldn't start a thread that McCain killed babies in vietnam eithier but not because it's not probably true because it probably is but because its really not very relevant.And yeah those people in that vid making all the comments about Obama is a traitor,terrorist etc are not surprising.Just watch Sean Hannity on Fox he has been sayin close to that for some time now.

I want to ask Joe his opinion on all sorts of things now. Of course all prepped and ready, the word "socialist", had to be explained to him before he said it.

None of it has to ring true. You just have to say it, not defend it. You don't look for facts about what your opponent did, you just bury them in crap. It's the Karl Rove school of politics, and then you sit back and laugh about how stupid people are for years to come because their lives are not of any interest to you.

Maybe that's the difference between the two sides.


Closed Account
So, 44 years has elapsed with the Black / American - African leadership leaning strongly, if not 99 % in favor of the democratic party . . . and what does the democratic party have to show for it ?

Very little, insofar as progress goes. Black Americans would be better off in the ranks of an Independent political party apparatus. It pains me to see all of these arrogant white libs leading Black Americans around. It's belittling and furthermore . . . disgusting.


At least you unlike some here do acknowledge that Blacks vote Dem no matter who is the candidate. Blacks make their own choices just as hispanics who are now strongly favoring Dems considering the Republican resentment towards immigrants.(Ironically McCain was one of the few dissenters in his party) I think your pathetic/sarcastic advice to Blacks will go on deaf ears.

The Dems did not sign the Civil Rights/Voting Rights Act as some poltical tactic, but they did it because it was the right thing to do! When LBJ signed those bills he knew it would cause the Dems the angry White Southern Supremicist/Segregationist vote & subsequently the White House ,but he (and Northern Dems Mostly)honorably signed them anyway. Those angry Southern White Dems jumped ship like the rats they were & joined the GOP.

The GOP dishonorably decided to exploit this with the Southern strategy which catered to angry Southern supremicist & now more recently the reigious right. Two of the most hateful & exclusive goups in this country & that is the GOP legacy.(The video AFA posted shows this legacy with the angry lynch mob type ralies that have become common at McCain/Palin rallies & there are many more on youtube. Compare them with the more jubilant,diverse & hopeful atmosphere at Obama rallies & it is even more embarassing for the thoughful intelligent GOP.)

The Dems did lose the White House/angry White vote ,but from '54-94 they did control congress & have now reclaimed it within 12 years after the GOP mess. Not only the Dems have been hurt ,but the entire country since 1980 when Reagan took over a $1 tri. dollar debt which has ballooned into $10 trillion dollars under GOP watch & spending that would put FDR & LBJ to shame. Certainly nothing for the GOP to boast about:dunno:

Southern states like N.C. ,Virginia & Georgia with Atlanta becoming so cosmopolitan will change this GOP dominance in the South if not now(I have my doubts about whether Obama will win) in the forseeable future. The GOP's angry anti immigrant,anti gay, anti black,etc...days are numbered.


Closed Account
It's pretty reflective of the stuff that people who even like me pass to me in emails. I've said it before. The Obama stuff I get is intelligent, thought out. The McCain stuff I get is racist, narrow minded, praise the lord and pass the ammunition, filled with inaccuracies.

The woman McCain corrected when he said Obama wasn't an Arab but a decent family man, got on camera later and said she had a whole bunch of facts for not voting for him. Well wasn't her credibility just ruined in front of 45 million people. I hear the same statements made again and again against Obama with little or no fact. This Ayers thing is out of hand, and they built a huge case on this ficticious Joe the Plumber who's out looking for a contract to do who knows what. Obviously Joe is a liar, and not real concerned about being a decent working guy providing health care for his employees and wondering the tax consequences of making over $250,000. He's a superstar nobody and those at republican rallies are asking the guy his opinions of what to do about Israel! They know nothing, have not done any research and therefore look to him for political advice and that's how this crap gets started. They are enraged people who want their candidate to help them vent their anger and in this case toward Obama.

In the spirit of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater doing anything to win, anything, Joe might have already got his quarter million from the republican party for a job well done. :dunno: They're like hit men the people who design these ads. It doesn't have to be true. If I start a thread with a title that suggests McCain killed babies in Vietnam, it doens't have to be true, but you'll remember it for sure!

That is the GOP legacy AFA & I ,as a person who leans Democrat, am proud that the Democratic Party didn't pander to that type of unrational hatefulness/bitterness seen at the MCain/Palin rallies . (Mainly from the exclusive christian right & racist uneducated White element that the GOP has sold it's soul to since the '60's. Not many Asians ,Blacks,Hispanics,etc...at GOP rallies/conventions lately) Although it has cost the Dems the White House recently I am proud that they still stand for diversity, tolerance, progress,etc...& refuse to go down that path:hatsoff:

Lee Atwater even apoligized to the Dems & his country before his death about the divisive, exclusive, race baiting politics that he helped to inject into the GOP. Maybe that sleazy Rove will do the same thing & denounce what he has help to infect the GOP with also.( Rove did say, however that the McCain campaign had gone too far:eek: So if Rove believes it has gotten too negative that says a lot!) As some Southern State demographics are changing ,as well as the Southwest with immigrants,the GOP recent dominance at the National level will come to an end & there divisive message & tactics will have to change.

The Obama rallies in comparison are a thing of hope with so much diversity & a postive message for the future.
Here's what General Patton had to say about a few things.
Slightly but not completely off topic


They called Patton "old blood and guts".His soldiers often said yep his guts our blood.:eek:That whole thing imploring the Iraqis to collabrate didn't work in Vietnam very well eithier.Foreign invaders are rarely welcome.Unless we plan on staying a hundred years we better think of something else.Even Bush is now leaning towards negotiations and is supportive of the talks the saudis are having with elements of the taliban.Patton was a war monger of the 1st order.Thats fine for a leader of an army ,luckily we have civilian leadership running us and not the Pattons or the Gen. Curtis Lemays( he advocated war and aggressive action during the cuban missle crisis) of the world who if we had followed their advice the world and most of the people in it would have been blown to hell decades ago.He talks abouit history but skips more modern history like vietnam which is more relevant IMO.
They called Patton "old blood and guts".His soldiers often said yep his guts our blood.:eek:That whole thing imploring the Iraqis to collabrate didn't work in Vietnam very well eithier.Foreign invaders are rarely welcome.Unless we plan on staying a hundred years we better think of something else.Even Bush is now leaning towards negotiations and is supportive of the talks the saudis are having with elements of the taliban.Patton was a war monger of the 1st order.Thats fine for a leader of an army ,luckily we have civilian leadership running us and not the Pattons or the Gen. Curtis Lemays( he advocated war and aggressive action during the cuban missle crisis) of the world who if we had followed their advice the world and most of the people in it would have been blown to hell decades ago.He talks abouit history but skips more modern history like vietnam which is more relevant IMO.

Bomb bomb Iran was not the thing to say IMO. It was reflective of that past attitude and McCain said it to appeal to those favoring extreme military action as a quick choice. I don't think I'd want my decision making influenced by crowd mentality, and while I think, (or hope), McCain was making a joke, you have to be concerned. Is that what his experience suggests to him is funny?

Not very Presidential. I'd rather go with the more quick witted Biden's jokes and experience. None of his I've heard suggest bombing, war and killing as the basis of a joke.

Because Obama is like a "As seen on TV" product once you order it and find out that it was too good to be true you are stuck no with it..sorry no refunds.

He is like an informercial, "for the first thousands of people that vote for him, you'll get a copy of his book and special text messages" and as a bonus you'll get a good tax break even if you don't work, it doesn't matter because someone else is spreading the wealth for you.

He's like the highly anticipated Playstation 3, line up early and get you one for a very hefty price, once bought you wanna get rid of it

His influences and folks from "back in the day when Barack was Barry went from awesome cool dudes that put bombs around when they were young (and he was eight) and now are unrepentant terrorist/professor Ayers, Chicago gansta style Rezco and his " I can't disowned him in no way that I would my uncle" but did not know he talked like that (untill running agaisnt Hillary during the primaries) Rev. Jeremiah Wright!

BTW He thinks "whites" are the fault why black folks are in poverty and if you don't vote for him, you are a racist, he talks down to blacks (Run Jesse, run said that) and latinos and any other minority group out there just accpet the change and vote for his ass, resistance is futile.

He is an egomaniac, he's the one that can promise change and hope. Yeah let's hope that $250.000 and up bracket doesn't change when he sees that his draft to make people spread the wealth and his "patriotic to pay taxes" hits reality and the middle class get's taxed big time.

Now you atheist, wiccan, pagan, (whatever you believe or not believe) get offended by a candidate mentioning "God" , but are quickly to believe this man's promises?? By the laws of physics and economics his plans are wayyy out there and the only way possible will be to obtain a good source of money. When does the goverment proves to be a capital gaining enterprise? So how is he going to pay for his universal healthcare adn tax breaks and all these wonderful stuff? By ending the war in Iraq and using those funds here? I thought that money was already compromised in the 2009 budget? So are his promises going to kick in the 2010 budget? BTW that money funelling (borrowed that expression) down in Iraq was money that we did not have to begin with. So you all rather believe in this mere mortal just because he is the one?

Last but not least we all know that politics and politicians are bullshit, so many promises so many not going to be honored. B.O. clearly outdid John McCain in the bullshit department if that did no raised your "bullshit flag" then I guess you fell for his bullshit. McCain clearly understimated this two year junior senator from Illinois and from the get go should have sent him back to his place without having fear of being labeled a racist, but he did not. Since when does the guy that has two years of experience working in the basement is going to have more experience than the guy who's had over 30 years of expericence working from the penthouse that he knows better than him how to run the company. You all try that at your jobs to see how long you'll last.

Because Obama is like a "As seen on TV" product once you order it and find out that it was too good to be true you are stuck no with it..sorry no refunds.

He is like an informercial, "for the first thousands of people that vote for him, you'll get a copy of his book and special text messages" and as a bonus you'll get a good tax break even if you don't work, it doesn't matter because someone else is spreading the wealth for you.

He's like the highly anticipated Playstation 3, line up early and get you one for a very hefty price, once bought you wanna get rid of it

His influences and folks from "back in the day when Barack was Barry went from awesome cool dudes that put bombs around when they were young (and he was eight) and now are unrepentant terrorist/professor Ayers, Chicago gansta style Rezco and his " I can't disowned him in no way that I would my uncle" but did not know he talked like that (untill running agaisnt Hillary during the primaries) Rev. Jeremiah Wright!

BTW He thinks "whites" are the fault why black folks are in poverty and if you don't vote for him, you are a racist, he talks down to blacks (Run Jesse, run said that) and latinos and any other minority group out there just accpet the change and vote for his ass, resistance is futile.

He is an egomaniac, he's the one that can promise change and hope. Yeah let's hope that $250.000 and up bracket doesn't change when he sees that his draft to make people spread the wealth and his "patriotic to pay taxes" hits reality and the middle class get's taxed big time.

Now you atheist, wiccan, pagan, (whatever you believe or not believe) get offended by a candidate mentioning "God" , but are quickly to believe this man's promises?? By the laws of physics and economics his plans are wayyy out there and the only way possible will be to obtain a good source of money. When does the goverment proves to be a capital gaining enterprise? So how is he going to pay for his universal healthcare adn tax breaks and all these wonderful stuff? By ending the war in Iraq and using those funds here? I thought that money was already compromised in the 2009 budget? So are his promises going to kick in the 2010 budget? BTW that money funelling (borrowed that expression) down in Iraq was money that we did not have to begin with. So you all rather believe in this mere mortal just because he is the one?

Last but not least we all know that politics and politicians are bullshit, so many promises so many not going to be honored. B.O. clearly outdid John McCain in the bullshit department if that did no raised your "bullshit flag" then I guess you fell for his bullshit. McCain clearly understimated this two year junior senator from Illinois and from the get go should have sent him back to his place without having fear of being labeled a racist, but he did not. Since when does the guy that has two years of experience working in the basement is going to have more experience than the guy who's had over 30 years of expericence working from the penthouse that he knows better than him how to run the company. You all try that at your jobs to see how long you'll last.

See my post here for why in my little mind I wouldn't vote republican;


A few random thoughts -

Isn't it interesting that Obama and his wife hit the jackpot, big time, under the fierce and unrelenting grasp of the gwb presidency ?
Just look at their earnings over that specific time frame.

Is it really radical and right wing-ed to question the intentions of a man who has surrounded himself (or has been led by) a whole host of individuals of which, I and millions of other Americans, would deem as, well . . . suspect ? How did it come to be that anybody who would be so bold as to question the motives of a one Barak Obama would be instantly labeled as unenlightened, racist, and pigs . . ? May I not call to question Obama's world view without being excoriated by the rancor of the opposition ?

Generally speaking, that is. Post not intended for anyone here . ..yet . . I think :D
A few random thoughts -

Isn't it interesting that Obama and his wife hit the jackpot, big time, under the fierce and unrelenting grasp of the gwb presidency ?
Just look at their earnings over that specific time frame.

Is it really radical and right wing-ed to question the intentions of a man who has surrounded himself (or has been led by) a whole host of individuals of which, I and millions of other Americans, would deem as, well . . . suspect ? How did it come to be that anybody who would be so bold as to question the motives of a one Barak Obama would be instantly labeled as unenlightened, racist, and pigs . . ? May I not call to question Obama's world view without being excoriated by the rancor of the opposition ?

Questioning motives and world view are not the same thing.Questioning his world view is more than fair his motives are not IMO.This whole idea he has not been scrutinized on a personal level and given a pass is absurd.We have a heard a lot more about him his family and people he has known than any candidate in my memory,I didn't even know McCain had a brother till he got some publicity for cussing out a 911 operator recently.And a lot of this scrutiny of Obama has had a very racist element to it as well.Lets just take Rev Wright as an example.If you watch the great PBS vid I had put up called choice 2008 it lays out how Obama through a very deliberative process choose that church to become a member of.It was seen as a very well respected main stream chicago black church,and it is.The controversial rhetoric from Wright that became popular was just a small snipet of that Church and what goes on there.And what Wright said about america and racial issues can be heard in almost every black church in america and is not all that different then what a Martin Luther King said while he was alive.While Obama may have been a member of that church he has never spoken so stridently and should not be held accountable for what others may have said.I personally think for the most part Wright speaks the truth,many don't like that but oh well.I can say that, I'm not running for anything lol and neitheir is Wright.Obama has never expressed such views and really has tried very hard to not just be seen as the "black" candidate and not run on promoting soley a black agenda.What more does white america want of him before they just attack him on issues and leave the other stuff out of it? I'm not saying all of it is race based as John Kerry faced some of the same sort of attacks on his character with the swift boating,but Obama has faced a lot of stuff Kerry didn't.Again the right wants to re-fight things like the Vietnam war which in the 70s they knew Kerry was on the right side of history but give things 20 years and revisionism comes around.And while I'm at it I will say people like the weathermen were on the right side of history with their opposition to the war.I know the love it or leave it crowd chanting USA!,USA!,USA! just goes nuts when they hear such but again so be it.
More than fair to argue against his tax policies or argue foreign policy etc. but to impune his character based on some of the other things is not fair IMO. And based on the polls most people ,not all I will grant you but most care about issues over these other things.
Questioning motives and world view are not the same thing.Questioning his world view is more than fair his motives are not IMO.This whole idea he has not been scrutinized on a personal level and given a pass is absurd.We have a heard a lot more about him his family and people he has known than any candidate in my memory,I didn't even know McCain had a brother till he got some publicity for cussing out a 911 operator recently.And a lot of this scrutiny of Obama has had a very racist element to it as well.Lets just take Rev Wright as an example.If you watch the great PBS vid I had put up called choice 2008 it lays out how Obama through a very deliberative process choose that church to become a member of.It was seen as a very well respected main stream chicago black church,and it is.The controversial rhetoric from Wright that became popular was just a small snipet of that Church and what goes on there.And what Wright said about america and racial issues can be heard in almost every black church in america and is not all that different then what a Martin Luther King said while he was alive.While Obama may have been a member of that church he has never spoken so stridently and should not be held accountable for what others may have said.I personally think for the most part Wright speaks the truth,many don't like that but oh well.I can say that, I'm not running for anything lol and neitheir is Wright.Obama has never expressed such views and really has tried very hard to not just be seen as the "black" candidate and not run on promoting soley a black agenda.What more does white america want of him before they just attack him on issues and leave the other stuff out of it? I'm not saying all of it is race based as John Kerry faced some of the same sort of attacks on his character with the swift boating,but Obama has faced a lot of stuff Kerry didn't.Again the right wants to re-fight things like the Vietnam war which in the 70s they knew Kerry was on the right side of history but give things 20 years and revisionism comes around.And while I'm at it I will say people like the weathermen were on the right side of history with their opposition to the war.I know the love it or leave it crowd chanting USA!,USA!,USA! just goes nuts when they hear such but again so be it.
More than fair to argue against his tax policies or argue foreign policy etc. but to impune his character based on some of the other things is not fair IMO. And based on the polls most people ,not all I will grant you but most care about issues over these other things.

Come on Obama was never asked any thought questions by the general media. Most interviews had questions such as...so how excited is your family about this even? they say Michelle looks like Jackie O, so what kind of shoes you wear?, what was it like growing up?

The moment anyone dared to ask any question that had to do with qualifications or his platforms, they got investigated and discredited and ridicule by you Obama supporters.


FOMM said:
And what Wright said about America and racial issues can be heard in almost every black church in America and is not all that different then what a Martin Luther King said while he was alive.
"heard" maybe, but not like it's coming from a man whose screaming . . . gasping . . lashing out, like he's fighting for his last breath. :D :p

Screaming at the top of one's lungs is no way to remedy our differences. :)