Because Obama is like a "As seen on TV" product once you order it and find out that it was too good to be true you are stuck no with it..sorry no refunds.
He is like an informercial, "for the first thousands of people that vote for him, you'll get a copy of his book and special text messages" and as a bonus you'll get a good tax break even if you don't work, it doesn't matter because someone else is spreading the wealth for you.
He's like the highly anticipated Playstation 3, line up early and get you one for a very hefty price, once bought you wanna get rid of it
His influences and folks from "back in the day when Barack was Barry went from awesome cool dudes that put bombs around when they were young (and he was eight) and now are unrepentant terrorist/professor Ayers, Chicago gansta style Rezco and his " I can't disowned him in no way that I would my uncle" but did not know he talked like that (untill running agaisnt Hillary during the primaries) Rev. Jeremiah Wright!
BTW He thinks "whites" are the fault why black folks are in poverty and if you don't vote for him, you are a racist, he talks down to blacks (Run Jesse, run said that) and latinos and any other minority group out there just accpet the change and vote for his ass, resistance is futile.
He is an egomaniac, he's the one that can promise change and hope. Yeah let's hope that $250.000 and up bracket doesn't change when he sees that his draft to make people spread the wealth and his "patriotic to pay taxes" hits reality and the middle class get's taxed big time.
Now you atheist, wiccan, pagan, (whatever you believe or not believe) get offended by a candidate mentioning "God" , but are quickly to believe this man's promises?? By the laws of physics and economics his plans are wayyy out there and the only way possible will be to obtain a good source of money. When does the goverment proves to be a capital gaining enterprise? So how is he going to pay for his universal healthcare adn tax breaks and all these wonderful stuff? By ending the war in Iraq and using those funds here? I thought that money was already compromised in the 2009 budget? So are his promises going to kick in the 2010 budget? BTW that money funelling (borrowed that expression) down in Iraq was money that we did not have to begin with. So you all rather believe in this mere mortal just because he is the one?
Last but not least we all know that politics and politicians are bullshit, so many promises so many not going to be honored. B.O. clearly outdid John McCain in the bullshit department if that did no raised your "bullshit flag" then I guess you fell for his bullshit. McCain clearly understimated this two year junior senator from Illinois and from the get go should have sent him back to his place without having fear of being labeled a racist, but he did not. Since when does the guy that has two years of experience working in the basement is going to have more experience than the guy who's had over 30 years of expericence working from the penthouse that he knows better than him how to run the company. You all try that at your jobs to see how long you'll last.