Why Obama?


But my real question is how much longer do my taxes go to suppliment the likes of Exxon / Mobil to get billions in tax cuts while I have to worry about rising gas, food prices, and a geometrically increasing cost of living? I didn't start to think of that only since I became "conditioned" in 2002, I was asking that question my entire working life.

Trickle down economics? I don't think so.

Does Microsoft also receive these "tax cuts" ? As I recall, a recent report had stated that MS has incurred an earnings percentage near to or greater than "Big o-yall".

Do the oil and drug corps get any type of tax credit for their R & D and exploration expenditures ? should they ? ;)


I don't think it really matters in the end. We have two candidates that are telling us their plans, when aside from foreign policy and some administrative control, the power to do the things in their plans come from congress and a member of congress must submit through committees.

Guess what? They are both members of congress! They should have and be submitting their plans now, not talking about it.

As far as qualifications for president, the closet positions that equates to being president are positions with like experiences: governor, department secretary and senior military leader.

Being a member of congress really is not the same thing.

When it comes to change, the president runs the government based on the laws of the congress. The executive order only goes so far in executive branch of the government.

The real agents of change are in congress.

I think Obama is an intellectual and good American, but I don't really think that he has the experience, yet, to be a great president.

I like McCain better with respect to his experience as a naval captain I think if Obama was to be elected Governor of IL first, do a good job, I would feel much better about him as president.

The bottom line is this, the best and most qualified candidates to be president generally don't want the job, and that's too bad. :mad:
During this time frame, the government, both Rep & Dem respectively, has thrust an exorbitant amount of pressure (regulation) on American businesses. This translates to greater operational costs -

Examples -
• Greater, more widespread accounting costs to absorb the shitloads of bureaucratic process mail etc.
•Energy Costs ^
•Liability / Ops Insurance ^
•More frivolous Lawsuits to have to answer to
• Material Supplies ^
• asst'd licensing ^
• Permit to Build Costs ^
& Many others, up, up, up $$$

The disproportion with respect to income is not entirely the result of right wing / republican derived greed, Friday. ;)
The govt is tied, both directly and indirectly, to the increase in ops costs.

Less govt interevention translates to a greater income for public sector, private enterprise employee. A larger proportion of govt intervention per capita only depresses income. I know :( :o
I agree with your statement to a certain extent, but not as suggested.

Ahhh no lol.You are now twisting what I said to some sort of proposition that it has been regulation/interference in the marketplace responsible for the decline in incomes for the majority with the implication that wealth creation during that time was radically decreased.That just isn't true , wealth for the few not only increased during that time it EXPLODED.The changes that took place during this time by govt were changes in tax codes that overwhelmingly aided that income redistribution to the few.The top few percent had never done better then during this time,lot of wealth created it was just not shared as it had been in the decades prior.

And just as an aside I find amusing this notion that the living "Ken" doll Mitt Romney would have been a more formidable candidate for the republicans to have fielded.But in any event just accept he got rejected by the republican base mainly over having been seen as not a true conservative and only recent convert to things like being pro-life(flipper) more then anything else.McCain didn't need money for that to bring Romney down.You guys really think Romney or Huckabee really would have fared better to people outside of the republican party,the independants? McCain was selected on being found at least basically acceptable by the pub base and being seen as most electable.The republicans felt his foreign policy experience was their best shot to overcome the heavy momentum that was trending democractic going into the 2008 election.
Ahhh no lol.You are now twisting what I said to some sort of proposition that it has been regulation/interference in the marketplace responsible for the decline in incomes for the majority with the implication that wealth creation during that time was radically decreased.That just isn't true , wealth for the few not only increased during that time it EXPLODED.The changes that took place during this time by govt were changes in tax codes that overwhelmingly aided that income redistribution to the few.The top few percent had never done better then during this time,lot of wealth created it was just not shared as it had been in the decades prior.

And just as an aside I find amusing this notion that the living "Ken" doll Mitt Romney would have been a more formidable candidate for the republicans to have fielded.But in any event just accept he got rejected by the republican base mainly over having been seen as not a true conservative and only recent convert to things like being pro-life(flipper) more then anything else.McCain didn't need money for that to bring Romney down.You guys really think Romney or Huckabee really would have fared better to people outside of the republican party,the independants? McCain was selected on being found at least basically acceptable by the pub base and being seen as most electable.The republicans felt his foreign policy experience was their best shot to overcome the heavy momentum that was trending democractic going into the 2008 election.

I don't have the figures in front of me, but in my recollection. The top earners annual income rose something like 150% over the past 5 or 8 years while the rest of us saw our incomes decrease 40% relative to inflation. In any case, the lower tiers lost and the upper more than doubled. These are figures referenced on business news channels as a matter of fact.
Wow, there's alot of words there...

As a Canadian I feel the Obama is your best bet. At least he seems real and down to earth and is in touch with what the US people want. And at least maybe he will shed some light on everyone. I would be upset to see John McCain become a president, but I have no control over it. Nor does it matter. The government will decide ultimately, not the public. Very sad, but also very true.
I don't have the figures in front of me, but in my recollection. The top earners annual income rose something like 150% over the past 5 or 8 years while the rest of us saw our incomes decrease 40% relative to inflation. In any case, the lower tiers lost and the upper more than doubled. These are figures referenced on business news channels as a matter of fact.

and that's what mccain is calling for

i guess i would characterise myself as a social liberal, but certainly leaning towards the right economically

- but i can't see the problem with someone earning over $250,000 (which i think is probably £150k +) paying a higher percentage of tax on the top section of their income

- coz you have to remember that,
the higher tax rate wouldn't apply to the whole of the high earners income

- i don't see it as socialism,
mccain is the kinda guy that likes to say he is fair
well i think it is fair that people that earn $250k pay a higher percentage of their income in tax than those that earn $12k

:2 cents:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Internally, I know what he will do.
Tax the working class into poverty. Into being on the same financial level of those who sponge of the system as a means to survive.
Cut funding for people with true disabilities and the elderly.
There is a reason why everyone I've ever known who makes a living making babies and living off the system are always democrats.

Thats my reasons, no insults, no name calling, just how I feel.

Wow...what an awesome talent to have such clairvoyance!! You are truly a prophet, mp. :bowdown:

No insults, no-name-calling as you asked....just plain ol' sarcasm!

Personally, I'd much rather rely on Obama's Blueprint for Change (download it here: http://www.barackobama.com/issues/) to alter the disastrous course on which we presently find ourselves than to continue with the same failed policies of the last 8 years. Offer me any substantive plan that John McCain has that is appreciably different than the one George Bush has saddled us with and I will reconsider my opinion.

There's an old saying where I come from...."If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten". It's time for change....not superficial or rhetorical change....but REAL change. Only Barack Obama offers that hope.

The American electorate was ill-informed enough to be bullshitted into re-electing George Bush in 2004 (much to the astonishment of the rest of the world I might add). If, as a nation, we fall prey to the same tactics of fear and hate that John McCain has been spewing, we deserve what we get as a result.

My God....how fucking bad do things have to get for people to opt for a new direction?? Obviously, the current formula ain't working. Wake the fuck up everyone.
and that's what mccain is calling for

i guess i would characterise myself as a social liberal, but certainly leaning towards the right economically

- but i can't see the problem with someone earning over $250,000 (which i think is probably £150k +) paying a higher percentage of tax on the top section of their income

- coz you have to remember that,
the higher tax rate wouldn't apply to the whole of the high earners income

- i don't see it as socialism,
mccain is the kinda guy that likes to say he is fair
well i think it is fair that people that earn $250k pay a higher percentage of their income in tax than those that earn $12k

:2 cents:

My contention as I've said before is that the middle class shouldn't be carrying the top earners on their backs. There has been virtually no exploration of this as anybody taking a biased extreme view simply wants to see Obama as a socialist taking from the middle class to give to the lower, "welfare" class in a redistribution of wealth. That's an abuse of the system that no one wants. No one wants to condone any group that isn't pulling their weight.

So with that in mind, why are taxes in the lower income groups used to supplement tax cuts for the wealthy on that top 1%? That is surely redistribution of wealth.
I would have voted for McCain if it wasnt for his absolutely awful VP pick.

I wonder how this entire election would have turned out if he picked Mitt Romney as his running mate.


Hiliary 2020
Wow...what an awesome talent to have such clairvoyance!! You are truly a prophet, mp. :bowdown:

No insults, no-name-calling as you asked....just plain ol' sarcasm!

Personally, I'd much rather rely on Obama's Blueprint for Change (download it here: http://www.barackobama.com/issues/) to alter the disastrous course on which we presently find ourselves than to continue with the same failed policies of the last 8 years. Offer me any substantive plan that John McCain has that is appreciably different than the one George Bush has saddled us with and I will reconsider my opinion.

There's an old saying where I come from...."If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten". It's time for change....not superficial or rhetorical change....but REAL change. Only Barack Obama offers that hope.

The American electorate was ill-informed enough to be bullshitted into re-electing George Bush in 2004 (much to the astonishment of the rest of the world I might add). If, as a nation, we fall prey to the same tactics of fear and hate that John McCain has been spewing, we deserve what we get as a result.

My God....how fucking bad do things have to get for people to opt for a new direction?? Obviously, the current formula ain't working. Wake the fuck up everyone.

Ok Jag,
I liked your conclusion in the final paragraph.
I think you pretty much nailed it there.
It does seem like choosing a new direction (choosing a democrat) may seem like the right thing, maybe it is, but then again wtf do I know.
It seems to be that this election is really about choosing the better of 2 bad options (my words, not yours).
Obama can and probably will create alot of changes in/for the country.
I think many including myself feel/fear that these changes won't benefit the country as a whole both economically and defensively but make it drastically worse. The first step to becoming a third world country.
All I can do is watch, wait, and post on freeones.
I would have voted for McCain if it wasnt for his absolutely awful VP pick.

I wonder how this entire election would have turned out if he picked Mitt Romney as his running mate.

Mitt Romney's early campaign was consistently overt about spending additional trillions on a bigger military and for what? Certainly shows he was not going to change anything or pay down the out of control spending of the Bush fiasco. He also was very confrontational with McCain as a flip flopper, on Face the Nation, when Bob Scheiffer ran clips of his own ever greater flip flopping. I was actually quite angry with Romney's loose cannon depiction of McCain and his blind unlimited military spending. However to many people truth seems to mean little or nothing if a fact occured before last Monday. At least Romney could afford his own $150,000 wardrobe.

"Why Obama?"
Interesting, I sense you have an internet connection, and can answer this question on your own with a little research.




This is not the same USA your Grandfathers and their Fathers fought in and I can't understand why people can't see that despite how much they feel patriotic holding on to whatever are those values. I can't understand why people can't see the US is run by large corporations and politicians in their pockets. The stuff of fiction 25 years ago, but the writers of those novels and films certainly saw the writing on the wall. Who in the world would want more of that when a candidate or two, (some independents), see a more common sense approach to paying one's bills and getting out of debt?

Hey, the writers of "War Inc." a film satire with John Cusack even know the reality of today.

When it comes to war, America means business!

It seems the patriotic thing to do is forget the John Wayne mentality, wake up from the delusion, and just maybe take in a little, (or better yet a lot), of information.


Hiliary 2020
"Why Obama?"
Interesting, I sense you have an internet connection, and can answer this question on your own with a little research.



I wasn't asking 200 countries, I was asking freeones members.
I sense you have a brain, do you always make your decisions and form your opinions on what other people think?

I did a little youtube research to find more words from the man himself.
I'll post some. Watch em if you want, don't cost nothin.

Give up a piece of your pie

Spread the Wealth

Tax plans

Give 95% of Americans 1000 dollars?
But 30% of Americans already pay no federal income tax.
Charity is a noble gesture, but most of all its voluntary.
Forced charity is not voluntary, its called extortion.
Gimme Gimme Gimme!


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Forced charity is not voluntary, its called extortion. Gimme Gimme Gimme!

Yeah....let's just go ahead and let a "conservative" administration take such a hands-off laissez-faire attitude about the way American business at the corporate level is allowed to run amok (especially the banking, credit and finance side) until the American taxpayer is once again being extorted....this time by greedy, fatcat robber-barons who, after exploiting years of unbridled greed, now insist that we must bail them out to keep the economy from collapsing. If we have to bail them out, why not nationalize them and take the profit motive away? What right do they have to make a profit on my tax dollars?? Unheard of!!!! Why is socialized medicine such a vile and evil thing but corporate socialism (literally capitalistic socialism!!! unbelievable!!!) is just fine? This is lunacy....

"Gimme Gimme Gimme" should be engraved on the tombstone of this incredibly bankrupt (in more ways than one) administration that McCain wants to emulate. Gimme your blood, gimme your liberties, gimme your job, gimme your house, gimme your money....what's next, my fucking clothes???

If you want more of this same shit, go ahead and vote for John McCain. If you are sick and tired of it, vote for Barack Obama. Never in my life has such a clear contrast between two candidates been drawn. For me, the choice is easy.
Yeah....let's just go ahead and let a "conservative" administration take such a hands-off laissez-faire attitude about the way American business at the corporate level is allowed to run amok (especially the banking, credit and finance side) until the American taxpayer is once again being extorted....this time by greedy, fatcat robber-barons who, after exploiting years of unbridled greed, now insist that we must bail them out to keep the economy from collapsing. If we have to bail them out, why not nationalize them and take the profit motive away? What right do they have to make a profit on my tax dollars?? Unheard of!!!! Why is socialized medicine such a vile and evil thing but corporate socialism (literally capitalistic socialism!!! unbelievable!!!) is just fine? This is lunacy....

"Gimme Gimme Gimme" should be engraved on the tombstone of this incredibly bankrupt (in more ways than one) administration that McCain wants to emulate. Gimme your blood, gimme your liberties, gimme your job, gimme your house, gimme your money....what's next, my fucking clothes???

If you want more of this same shit, go ahead and vote for John McCain. If you are sick and tired of it, vote for Barack Obama. Never in my life has such a clear contrast between two candidates been drawn. For me, the choice is easy.

I'm Joe the Plumber and I want to know why my taxes support corporate greed? :dunno:


Hiliary 2020
you mean his existing taxes?
I agree with you on that.
Joe was talikng about taking even more of his money to " spread the wealth"

Yeah Obama says he's gonna raise taxes on only those who make more the 250 g's.
I don't buy it.
He's gonna attack those who earn much less, the true middle class.And if your single or even married with no children I pity you.

Like his wife said, "you must give up a piece of your pie" that you earned, to someone who didn't.

We'll see.
I always wonder, why those who truly care so much don't simply adopt a family.
Put thier money where their mouth is.
Work 2 jobs, eat potatos and ramen noodles, live in your car. ect.
if they really care so much.
The feeling of self gratification must be tremendous knowing that while your working 10 hours a day some family sitting at home watching oprah is benefitting from your sacrifices.
Nah, its much easier just telling others what they should do with their money.
The new american way.
I like Obama because I like his responses the best during the debates.

LOL! So then you would have also voted for Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini as well then, if you vote for someone based on their skill in rhetoric like a complete drone who can't read between the lines.

(Note that I would've voted for Mussolini too but that's beside my point).

"Why Obama?"
Interesting, I sense you have an internet connection, and can answer this question on your own with a little research.



Hate to use the same example twice, but at the time of the Second World War, over 200 countries would have felt that Hitler was the best man for the job, if they were exposed to Germany's politics and given the chance to vote.