Why Obama?

That is reminiscent of the Larry Miller comedy routine about remarrying your ex-wife is like continually opening your fridge and seeing rotten milk..."Maybe someday it will be fresh"...
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Hiliary 2020
Here's an open question: why are so many "intellectual" and accomplished Republicans all of a sudden coming out and supporting Barack Obama?

I would like Toasted or Meester to answer this too.

I'll answer that.
I have no fucking idea.
Perhaps if you can't beat en join em?
Mass hysteria?
Blind faith?
Oh well?

I don't have a crystal ball, but I don't see things getting better with Obama as PREZ.
Apparently many of you have one, could I borrow it some time?


Hiliary 2020
meesterperfect's avatar proves what an idiot and asshole he really is

I see you've got your cyber-balls on today.
Yeah man, I'm an idiot and an asshole.
Maybe one day we'll meet in person and we can discuss that in more detail.

By the way I love your posts, they are very intelligent articulate and insightful.
Because Mccain reminds me of the grumpy old man at the grocery store that has a whole shopping cart full of shit and will not let you in front of him in line when you only have a jug of milk.
Not to pile on you Meester, but if you truly believe things will be bad under a President Obama reign, then for those high profile Repubs to still go to him, with 11 days left, must make the American Reality under a President McCain/Palin administration a complete, massive, frightening disaster the likes of which we won't come out of?

I didn't even recognize Obama in your paint job. Since I'm watching ESPN right, frankly, that looks more like Mark May The Pirate than some sort of Alfred E Newman Obama...not a bad piece of sophomoric humor.
Not to pile on you Meester, but if you truly believe things will be bad under a President Obama reign, then for those high profile Repubs to still go to him, with 11 days left, must make the American Reality under a President McCain/Palin administration a complete, massive, frightening disaster the likes of which we won't come out of?

I didn't even recognize Obama in your paint job. Since I'm watching ESPN right, frankly, that looks more like Mark May The Pirate than some sort of Alfred E Newman Obama...not a bad piece of sophomoric humor.

If that is suppose to be some sort of parady of Obama it really is not something I think any but someone already totally on the right is going find effective.It would be similar to showing McCain wearing depends and drinking Geritol and waving his cane lol.
No wonder McCain is losing, that really weak kind of attack which most reasonable people will just dismiss out of hand seems to be the only thing republicans got left.Call Obama names like commie ,unamerican,run racist ads which some of the 527c's have been doing,faked pictures etc.As McCain's own people said talk about things like the economy and they will lose.But the times are serious and everyone knows it and nonsense like what color somebody is isn't going to work this time under these conditions IMO.I worried about it(Obama being able to win given the racial bias in the US) ,you know I did Titsrock cause we have discussed it.But now I see all that being made pretty much irrelevant buy our dire situation and the times.I still worry some though, the last couple elections which GWB never should have won(probably didn't really win in 2000) teach ya it's never over till its over.
Hi everybody.
Another political thread here but hopefully it will be slightly different than most.
My intention is not to create a debate, just to understand a bit better the answer to "Why Obama?".

So please, Obama fans, can you tell me in simple, plain english exactly why so many of you like this guy so much.
For those of you who don't like him , the same.
As a side topic, Why did the democratic party drop hillary like a maggot infested hot potato? What makes, or made him better than her?

I just would like to hear real, direct reasons as to why, because I for one am baffled.
Thank you.

What made you come up with this conclusion? Just curious. IMO, the democrats would of been fine with either Hillary or Obama just the same. Well, except the PUMAs, lol.
But the times are serious and everyone knows it and nonsense like what color somebody is isn't going to work this time under these conditions IMO.I worried about it(Obama being able to win given the racial bias in the US) ,you know I did Titsrock cause we have discussed it.But now I see all that being made pretty much irrelevant buy our dire situation and the times.I still worry some though, the last couple elections which GWB never should have won(probably didn't really win in 2000) teach ya it's never over till its over.

I believe we've come to the conclusion that even racists have self-interests to protect and you can't show up to the clan meeting if your home's been foreclosed and your car's been repossessed. As Bill Maher pointed out on Larry King the other night, we're going to see a "reverse Tom Bradley" effect...Obama is going to win by a larger margin than the polls are currently indicating. We will have to wait and see because Reagan got shot, the Pope got shot...anything can happen to either Obama or McCain, sad to say. The grief of someone losing their home and life savings is enough to plant the seed of violence in that someone.

As a counter to Meester's avatar, I'm going to start using a nice photo of Joe McCain. He has become my favorite Republican in America. Did you hear about his call to 911 today???:rofl: Pure Genius. Seriously. :D
Forgot to answer the question..

I'm voting for Obama for many specific reasons. One, I'm just gonna say it like it is -- I'm a democrat. I don't need another Republican in office. I liked Ron Paul alright, if he was the nominee I probably would of still voted Democrat, but I would at least respect the other ticket. Secondly, I am more in tune to Obama's ideas than McCain's (on health care, economy, foreign policy, war in Iraq, education, etc). I mostly dislike the fact that McCain agrees with a lot of George W. Bush's policies. I don't see how he is a maverick. I don't understand how he thinks we're 'winning' in Iraq. There is no war to be won, it is an illegal war. I could continue, but I think you get the point.

McCain also sold out all his beliefs from 2000. He wants the presidency so much so that he'll work with the people who insulted his family.

I don't like the certain Republicans who accuse Obama and all democrats of being 'elitist' and question our patriotism if we criticism or question anything (what happened to 'we the people'?). Last but certainly not least, his vice president pick is absolutely unimaginably HORRIBLE, not just Dan Quayle horrible. If God forbid McCain is ill or passes away, Gov. Sarah Palin is in office. How that doesn't scare anyone is beyond me...
As an outsider, i dont think i can argue if Obama is the right choice or not. All i know, as a Canadian perspective, is that Obama will definatly help to straighten US relationships with foreign countries. It can only help the US export buisness.

As you might know, after Bush administration part 2, there is a lot of citizen who boycotts US products as we speak that will start to purchase again US products with a Democrat like Obama in charge of the White House.

Why Obama? Well, US needs as much gains regarding economy as possible in the actual context and Obama might be helping more than his rival regarding that.

Anyway, best of lucks to both parties for the next election!

My foreigner :2 cents:


Hiliary 2020
Nice post Dawn^

I'm a selfish person, I have a personal reason for why I think if Obama is PREZ , shit will happen.
For example South America.
Its extremely possible that if Obama is Prez Venezuela will attack and start a war with Colombia. Ecuador may get involved also. Venezuela already largely funds the rebel FARC group in Colombia, Chavez must have a reason for this,
Its to one day invade Colombia.
Why? Because he hates the U.S..
Anyway, Colombia is a 100% non agressive country and at the moment an allie of United States.
What will a Democrat PREZ and congress do if this happens?
Thats one example.

I realize many of you have the U.S. is bad, evil and always wrong syndrome.
You've been conditioned for this since about 2002 by the mass media and the democratc party (actually the same thing)
I know you can't help it.

So I suppose the reason I am one who doesn't think Obama is a good choice is because I think if he is PREZ world violence will increase alot and the security of the U.S. will be greatly reduced.
AKA we will get attacked again, maybe really bad.
Baraks smile and charm won't do anything to prevent this.
Thats another reason.

Internally, I know what he will do.
Tax the working class into poverty. Into being on the same financial level of those who sponge of the system as a means to survive.
Cut funding for people with true disabilities and the elderly.
There is a reason why everyone I've ever known who makes a living making babies and living off the system are always democrats.

Thats my reasons, no insults, no name calling, just how I feel.
I don't see any of that. What I've seen is special interest groups influence or even become politicians to get their own agendas in place for the sake of their own greed while obscuring their real motives and creating fear of any other view, (such as "The Smoking Gun is a Mushroom Cloud, or fear of not electing Bush a second term). There is a clear connection to the national debt and markedly republican administrations, and again, this economy based on going to war was feared by Eisenhower and make an informative video, "Why We Fight".

Someone also said, "When war becomes the rational to maintain peace, then war becomes perpetual", or something of the sort.

I've also asked the question as to what would happen to a lot of well to do households, the kind that keep their "lazy" illegal staffs because they're cheap labor as are those picking tomatoes. Then talk about building a 500 mile border fence in Texas. I also wonder why it's okay to talk about supporting other such "lazy", welfare recipients, (a clearly abused system).

But my real question is how much longer do my taxes go to suppliment the likes of Exxon / Mobil to get billions in tax cuts while I have to worry about rising gas, food prices, and a geometrically increasing cost of living? I didn't start to think of that only since I became "conditioned" in 2002, I was asking that question my entire working life.

Trickle down economics? I don't think so.
I realize many of you have the U.S. is bad, evil and always wrong syndrome.

I don't think any of us here suffer from that syndrome :dunno:
In all my years I've only known a handful of people, at most, that have.

There is nothing disharmonic about loving one's country while at times also being an outspoken critic of it's government and/or policies. Matter of fact, that's exactly what seperates us from nations with less freedom. Good citizens ask hard questions because when push comes to shove we the people are the ultimate watchdogs of our liberty. It can't be passively entrusted to those who might abuse it. We've seen what can result, both here and abroad, when that's allowed to happen.

You've been conditioned for this since about 2002 by the mass media...

The mass media changed a lot 30 plus years before that. The Viet Nam/Watergate era ushered in a broad new degree of scrutiny that has sustained ever since.

Internally, I know what he will do. Tax the working class into poverty.

You must be basing this on something other than his written and spoken intent, because they are exactly the opposite. He has stated over and over that in his opinion the working class is the engine of the economy, that it's currently overburdened, and that his goal is to bring tax relief to that class. Now it may turn out that due to a variety of circumstances he won't be able to deliver on that intended relief, but there has never been even so much as a whiff of a suggestion that he intends to tax the working class beyond current levels.

Cut funding for people with true disabilities and the elderly.

Where in the world do you get this idea? It would be completely anathema to everything he stands for.

I say cut the guy a bit of slack, for goodness sakes. He wants to serve despite the fact he'll be inheriting a shit load of problems on both the domestic and international fronts, and despite the fact he knows there's a very real possibility he'll end up taking a bullet. That's courageous. He's brilliant, earnest, hard-working, and a solid family man that even his co-senator and rival (McCain) has characterized as a decent, acccomplished person who's not to be feared.


obama is a walking red flag ! This guy is in neck deep with the very devices that will destroy this nation. One need not look further than the common pattern of his associations - God Damn America ! the man is a kingpin in a heavily foreign funded criminal enterprise, for krist sake ! The guy is getting away with everything that a republican would be steamrolled for ! I guess that the libs would rather be "temporarily" correct today and be a serf or dead tomorrow, then, in fact, be correct and begin rebuilding our nation free of a marxist tendency.

Once again, on principle, I likely will not vote for the a President this term.
This is the single most important election in my life time and I don't have a President that represents my beliefs ? WTF is that ? How did it come to be that we end up with the most leftist repub. and the most leftist dem. ?
Was it, in fact, the will of the people that gave us these two jerks ?

Does anybody remember where McCain was running in the primaries a little over a year ago ? DEAD LAST ! His campaign funds we dry and his camp. mgr. fled. . . . and all of the sudden . . abra cadabra ! he's the frontrunner ? Yea, right :rolleyes: I wasn't born yesterday. Somebody, or a group of orgs had to have funneled in a shit load of money toward the John McCain campaign, 'cause money doesn't just fall from the sky ! It's easy to see that the wealthy leftist interests of long time hedge fund manipulator, georges soreohhs for example, who has nothing better to do with his time and energy than to destroy currencies, throw elections, watch mix red ants with black ants chew each other apart is in on the deal to force the least likely of republican candidates to run against obama. Romney would have kicked obamas ass, particularly with the condition of the stock market today! Read what Soreohhs has said about America over the years. He wants to domineer the ambiance of as many countrie and corporations as possible and he has the money to do it. :thefinger

So much for all of the wealthy republikans. :rolleyes:

I want an honest campaign which represents the immediate feedback from the American people . If my side looses, so be it, as long as every single vote is cast with a stub - receipt (paper trail) of which verifies voter eligibility. How difficult is that ? You go to the ATM and you get a receipt ! :rolleyes:

We're all through as a nation when our "representatives" and corporations, as a majority, become corruptible, be it out of greed, power, influence . . whatever.
Really, the only thing in an obama presidency, for the common street lefty is that they get to observe all others, who likely have worked harder, invested longer hours to school and educate, perhaps prepare for their career better, become reduced to their lowly level. That's all ! :dunno: Well . . maybe a $ grand extra in annual welfare securities.


What made this country great was the growth of incomes experienced by the majority of people after WW2.None of that happened by accident,it was concerted policies that brought it about.Just as it has been concerted policies to reverse that trend and confine growth of incomes to a small group at the top for the last few decades,their incomes have exploded while everyone has lost ground. [ . .] Real wages have been declining for most americans since the 70s.
During this time frame, the government, both Rep & Dem respectively, has thrust an exorbitant amount of pressure (regulation) on American businesses. This translates to greater operational costs -

Examples -
• Greater, more widespread accounting costs to absorb the shitloads of bureaucratic process mail etc.
•Energy Costs ^
•Liability / Ops Insurance ^
•More frivolous Lawsuits to have to answer to
• Material Supplies ^
• asst'd licensing ^
• Permit to Build Costs ^
& Many others, up, up, up $$$

The disproportion with respect to income is not entirely the result of right wing / republican derived greed, Friday. ;)
The govt is tied, both directly and indirectly, to the increase in ops costs.

Less govt interevention translates to a greater income for public sector, private enterprise employee. A larger proportion of govt intervention per capita only depresses income. I know :( :o
I agree with your statement to a certain extent, but not as suggested.


Hiliary 2020
I agree on what Facetious said about McCain.
I have been baffled about how he got the nomination since day one.

The only logical explanation is the the republicans thought he was the most likely to be able to beat Clinton but I don't think thats it.

Out of the 10 or so candidates going for the republican nomination, he was probably least likely to be elected PREZ, or damn close.Then after that choosing a vulnerable, semi experienced VP............I don't get it.

Its seems almost like they threw the game on purpose ( although it aint over till its over).
I wish I knew the truth.