As Nightwanker wrote: I don't want to offend anybody either but what a useless boring study made by a TV channel that has nothing to talk about.
What are we supposed to do with that ? Become boxing fans?
Do you care about things like :
FLEXIBILITY: The ability to stretch the joints across a large range of motion. Example: Gymnasts, divers.
Are they smoking them after stretching them?
NERVE: The ability to overcome fear. Example: High-board divers, race-car drivers, ski jumpers.
I didn't know this was an athletic (physical) skill???
POWER: The ability to produce strength in the shortest possible time. Example:
Barry Bonds. First : Does that include the use of steroids ? If not, the capcaity to produce power will drop down quite seriously. Second: How can they compare hitting a baseball with a bat and hitting a soccer ball with a foot ? Baseball gets 2.5 more points!!! To have played both sports, I know you need much less power to look powerful when you hit a baseball than when you hit a soccer ball. BTW, since these guys go to the plate 4 to 5 times a match, the rest of the time that power is useless, so it should lower their score. This is a skill that a player uses not even 10 minutes in a more than 2-hour game.
Same example below.
ANALYTIC APTITUDE: The ability to evaluate and react appropriately to strategic situations. Example :
Joe Montana reading a defense; basketball point guard on a fast break. A quaterback.
There is one quarterback per team (even if he is replaced, it is still one quarterback). Do the linebackers (offense and defense) need that skill? No! So they give a high score to a sport for a skill that only one player out of 25 uses! That's ridiculous. In soccer they all need that skill, they should get much higher points.
And we could go on and on like this on about every point.
Didi you notice that all the examples given (but for 3 exceptions) are all Americans (Montana, Armstrong, Bonds, or football linebackers, basketball, etc...) ? So the others are compare to these standards ?
As I wrote, this is the kind of useless and absolutely non-professional studies that TV shows or popular magazines do. It has the same credibility than the studies Cosmopolitan do on women and sexuallity (Do you kiss your man on the lips or somewhere else?)
This is simply useless !
Every sport has his own difficulties, to rate them like this is ridiculous.
And by the way, after boxing, on all these questions RUGBY should be second!