why i am not a muslim

Having a dog as a pet is prohibited in Islam. In fact, if a Muslim keeps a dog as a pet God will take away some heavenly reward for his good deeds. That right there is enough for me to distrust these fuckers. Well, that and the whole "A horse is of greater value than a woman" thing.

Just out of curiosity, what are your religious beliefs? What religion do you believe in? The way you have bitched about atheist before on this board I'm going to say your not that. You don't strike me as an agnostic myself, although correct me if I'm wrong. See I'm kind of curious as if you are religious in any way you sure as hell don't follow any major religion very well...you know with all the hatefulness, self righteousness, lack of caring about most everybody else, and strong glee you get at the misfortune of those you don't like, which is a lot of people. Considering that it sure as hell can't be Christian, Judaism, or Buddhism as they actually command or at least teach you to love everybody else. If you don't actually follow the tenants of a religion you aren't actually that religion. You're just somebody pretending to be something your not. I wonder what's worse. Somebody that doesn't believe in anything that does wrong, or somebody that does believe in a higher power yet goes out of their way to actively do the opposite of what they command, to actively and purposely do wrong even though they know it's wrong. In some ways you and Islamic extremist have some fundamental similarities I think.