Are you ok?
you are a lucky bastard...
and what? you watch porn together? whe browse porn pages?? how is it?
yeah, we watch it together at home mostly in bed or just when nothing is on tv. sometimes we look up stuff online and such but most of it is at home. we browse movies and buy them online. its a pretty recent discovery for us actually. its been really great for our sex lives ill tell you that.
I'm surprised of all the speculation on why women don't like porn nobody brought up the fact that women are typically the opposite of men. We're not as visually stimulated as men are, we like our porn in the written form (what do you think our romance novels are?).
I can think of several reasons why they might not like it as well:
It's not tailored to women as it is for men. Most porn is made for men and marketed much more to them.
Men are probably more obsessed with sex then women.
Too much of it has women getting treated like garbage in it.
From a women point of view they probably don't like the unrealistic scenarios and acts that they see performed in it. A huge chunk of women out there don't like doing what the pornstars do in their movies.
They are probably even more turned off by the gimmicks in porn today than men are.
I think D-Rock and Petra made the best points for the difference in liking porn between men and womenI'm surprised of all the speculation on why women don't like porn nobody brought up the fact that women are typically the opposite of men. We're not as visually stimulated as men are, we like our porn in the written form (what do you think our romance novels are?).
So, my consensus: Dont ever sleep with your dreamgirl, or all your fantasies will flunk - it'll be a Nightmare!!!
let me tell you that it looks a pretty "happy" situation. Congrats to you, mate!
thanks for sharing that with us.
Plus another reason that could be speculated on is because the quality of women in porn far outweighs that of a lot of men in attractiveness. Most men that watch porn don't mind because they don't care so much about the male talent in it. It might be different for some women.
A great many, I'd even bet a majority, of women enjoy looking at the women in porn themselves. Even "straight" ones.
I agree with you. My current girl and several of my exes feel that way. They can appreciate a sexy woman. A few of them have kissed women and one of them had sex with a woman.
:thumbsup: I think you hit the nail right on the head. I've heard these very statements from many women with regards to porn.I can think of several reasons why they might not like it as well:
It's not tailored to women as it is for men. Most porn is made for men and marketed much more to them.
Men are probably more obsessed with sex then women.
Too much of it has women getting treated like garbage in it.
From a women point of view they probably don't like the unrealistic scenarios and acts that they see performed in it. A huge chunk of women out there don't like doing what the pornstars do in their movies.
They are probably even more turned off by the gimmicks in porn today than men are.