Correct, I don't know why people want to deny this or make it controversial when it's pretty obvious this is what most male consumers have preferred in and out of porn.
You really don't get it, do you? First, no one in this thread (as far as I have seen) has said otherwise. What are you,
Captain Obvious now? Generally speaking, men (and women) prefer seeing people doing things, whether it be porn, baking cakes on the Food Network, racing cars or doing fashion shows, who look most like themselves. Duh! But second, what we're talking about here, that has been stated in this and your gem of a thread
numerous times, is a fetish. And not every porn viewer, male or female, Black or White, has the same fetishes as every other porn viewer of the same demographic. And just as there are some White males who like to see females of their own race with men of a different race, there are also Black males, Latino males, Asian males (and whatever other groups you want to include) who get off watching females of their race do the same thing. Is it more pronounced (as a percentage) among White males? I do not know...
and neither do you. So stop with the faux statistics and pseudo-intellectual babbling. It's simply what
some guys (or girls) get off on.
Racial domination is but one of
many genres of sexual fetish that exists. Go to
Clips4Sale, type "racial domination" into the keyword search and you'll get ALL KINDS of results. Yes, you will surely find White women dominating/humiliating White men using Black males as the source of that humiliation,
and you can likely find every other combination imaginable. Why? Because someone, somewhere paid someone to film that scene. Why? Because that's what they're into. Why? Son, go ask your mother. I don't fucking know why people get off on what they get off on. But a big part of your problem is that you (
obviously) sit around for hours on end, watching and analyzing porn that you
claim makes you upset. But I find it very hard to believe that you could know so many titles and know so much about these various studios, actors and actresses... unless it was (secretly) doing something for you. Come on now... isn't there something that you want to share with the class?
Honest admission to oneself is the first step to recovery and healthy living.
The OP's question was a legitimate one, IMO. His only problem was that he was trapped by a generalization. Much like yourself, that tends to make one think that he can accurately describe an elephant, even though he is blind and he is only feeling the tail of the beast.