Why do people want kids?

I wouldn't mind being a grandfather someday but I'm not so crazy about being a dad :)

I generally like kids but I can't say I'm excited about having kids of my own someday.

When my friends had kids, their life was basically over. Now their life is their kids life: going to doctors offices, doing homework, feeding them, entertaining them, buying stuff for them, going to their ballgames. Not to mention the fact that kids can be noisy, ungrateful, obnoxious, messy, and expensive.

Tell me why you do or do not want kids?
Spending all of my money on baby food and diapers, being woken up to crying everynight, having to revolve my schedule to the baby, changing diapers, having to worry about the baby's whereabouts, moods of teenagers, terrible twos, and the like.

Yeah fuck that, I never want kids.

Will E Worm

Why not have children?

The majority of people who don't want children are self-centered.

If people stopped having children then who would be left to run the world? :tongue:
If you want to take away all of the material elements of this argument, the reason people have children is to allow the species to continue existing.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I want kids for several reasons. Never again would I have to

Mow the lawn
Shovel the driveway
take out the trash
do the dishes

there are others but those are the main reasons right now.
Maybe some people find it rewarding and think it's worth it even if they have to give up some of the things they should have already grown out of by that point. Going out and parting not only gets old, but becomes empty after a while. Some people might think having a family and having others they love in that respect as an essential element of living.
To make some pro athletes to make me rich.

To carry my name on.

To have someone to take care of me when I am older.

So people know that I'm not gay. :D
I do not want kids. And I agree, judging by many examples around me, and by my own understanding of how it be like - that to have kids means to end your free, independent life in some way.

They take a lot of time, people start to talk about them only, 24/7 there are some problems to solve, some shit to do with them, if it is a wife - she is focused on kids only, all of her attention goes to kids and to be a mother... no.
I do not want kids. I want to enjoy MY life, and I do not want to have additional problems. The more so, having kids is a big turn off when finding new sex partners.

Our planet is overpopulated already. So I am not affraid of the end of human race.

PS: I thought this thread was about paedophilia :1orglaugh
People, in general, want kids becaise the strongest instinct af all living beings is to reproduce. No more, no less. Now, we tend to sugarcoat it a bit, but that's the essence - Mother Nature wants us to reproduce.

Now, I, personally, don't wan't kids. I never cared what Mother Nature wants from me and I don't plan to start anytime soon. I'm egoistical and I'm far from great with handling of responsibilities. I don't feel the need to worry about anyone, but myself, and sometimes even worrying only for myself is a bit too unpleasant. Not to mention that kids -especially babies and toddlers - annoy me to no end. When a person has a kid, they're like... dead for nearly 20 years and when it's all over and the grown-up kid takes his/her's life in their own hands, they awake and 20 years of their lives would be over and they are left tired and old. No, thanks - I'll pass. I prefer to have these 20 years for myself.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I want a kid, but I don't necessarily want my own biological child. I've always had this feeling that I'll never find a wife and all that jazz, so I've always wanted to adopt a little girl and raise her as my own.

I just want to be able to give somebody a life who, without me, wouldn't really have one. Sure, it would make me feel good, like I accomplished something valuable, but I would be doing it for her. I wouldn't have any free time for myself, I wouldn't be able to buy things for myself and I would have to sacrifice pretty much everything about my life for her...but it's worth it to me.


Thank God, the people in this thread who talk about children like objects don't have any...God's way of protecting them from selfcentered aimless lost souls.
To consider fairly small pleasures like clubs (parents go clubing), travel (parents travel), or watching tv a lot as much more special than to be the whole world to a special person, someone who needs you and grows from any care you give them, someone who will always remember you as Dad or Mom no matter how many games you buy them...sad. There is no special entry level of money to raise a kid...poor kids grow up happy, too.
I have had so many adventures, possessions, good times and women...they became merely background noise and nothing too special the moment I laid eyes on the tiny helpless 6 pounds of brand new human that was my little girl.
My life had meaning and worth from that moment on...I understood why death had missed me by inches so many times.
Anyone who doesn't see the wonder and joy in a new person, a baby, should stay away and never have any children...they are so at the mercy of their parents; I hate the useless people who have babies and end up doing harm to them.
Like Casey Anthony...
Everyone has parents...some have not good or caring ones. There is always a chance to give what you didn't have and sorta erase a bad thing with a good one...children accept their parents at face value.
Teenagers...I can't vouch for them; they at least have a chance to grow older and come back to appreciate what you did for them.:2 cents:
I never wanted kids, and neither did my wife, but we had one anyway about a year and a half ago and no amount of partying, vacationing, toys or any other form of decadence could make me swell with pride and joy like watching that girl discover new things every day. Sure my life's not about me so much anymore, but that's fine by me. She's not an obligation or a chore, she's my biggest source of happiness. And sure, there are times when she's a frustrating little asshole, but never once have I wished we didn't have her. I don't want to sound patronizing or condescending, but it really is one of those things that most people probably can't understand until they experience it for themselves.

Here she is:


The One and Only Big Daddy
Well I have children and it is the greatest thing in the world. We have fun together and the part about being ungrateful is teaching your child at a young age not to be that way.You won't feel that way until you have your own once you hold him or her in your arms your whole outlook on life will change I promise you that.:thumbsup:
......Never had them. Never will. Not that I object to anyone having them as long as they provide all the right things in life to make them happy well adjusted children with a bright future.

But there are those who should never have them and then I read the horror stories of those poor children whose life get's snuffed out by neglecting parents or relatives, child molesters and so on and so on.........

My choice not to have them makes me free to do as I want and not have to worry about some dipshit coming into their lives and making a bad choice that would make me go after them in a bad way.

Oh.......and another thing that pisses me off........That story of that lady with octuplets?????? She's broke and single and already had 6 .......SIX kids already ???????WTF?????

Sorry for the rant!!:mad:


Closed Account
Yeah that octuplets story is crazy. Just watch those parents on that TLC show - John and Kate Plus Eight. They look miserable!!!

I've always wondered why is that poor people have the most kids?
I've always wondered why is that poor people have the most kids?

...........they are poor for a reason, and not because of the kids. Because these are the type of people that aren't responsible for themselves so they do other irresponsible things like have kids they can't afford. I feel bad for the kids. It's not their fault.
I never wanted kids, and neither did my wife, but we had one anyway about a year and a half ago and no amount of partying, vacationing, toys or any other form of decadence could make me swell with pride and joy like watching that girl discover new things every day. Sure my life's not about me so much anymore, but that's fine by me. She's not an obligation or a chore, she's my biggest source of happiness. And sure, there are times when she's a frustrating little asshole, but never once have I wished we didn't have her. I don't want to sound patronizing or condescending, but it really is one of those things that most people probably can't understand until they experience it for themselves.

Here she is:

Makes life worth livin'.