Why Biden would be the worst candidate Democrats could pick

I can't believe anybody makes this claim anymore. He plays political games constantly. He dabbled heavily in political influence as a businessman. But even assuming you're right, he's more full of shit than any politician I can remember in my lifetime.

As I said, federal politicians have proven their hatred for America/Americans for 50 years now. We finally got fed up with it. Trump is the result of that.

I generally have contempt for all politicians, so I always remain wary to ever sort of "love them" or slobber over them. Every one of them have been liars in my life time - no human is perfect, but politicians are lower than scum to me. Trump isn't a choirboy. I'm sort of agnostic on Trump - though I admit I did vote for him and will vote for him again in a heart beat.

One thing that I DO love about him is he HATES the "media" and has rightly labeled them "Fake News" and enemies of the People. That in itself is enough to make me support him.


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New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Here's a spoiler for you TrumpTards: the articles of impeachment against Trump may never see the floor of the Senate.

Just because Pelosi Impeaches The Motherfucker, doesn't mean she has to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate.

Everyone knows Cocksucker McConnell is rigging the trial.

Trump will forever be stained with being officially Impeached by the House of Representatives.

And the Senate will never get the chance to acquit.

Suck on that, Orange Trump Swine. :rofl:
Here's a spoiler for you TrumpTards: the articles of impeachment against Trump may never see the floor of the Senate.

Just because Pelosi Impeaches The Motherfucker, doesn't mean she has to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate.

Everyone knows Cocksucker McConnell is rigging the trial.

Trump will forever be stained with being officially Impeached by the House of Representatives.

And the Senate will never get the chance to acquit.

Suck on that, Orange Trump Swine. :rofl:

I'm sure, somehow, you were planning to make this an "on topic" post, circling it back to Biden somehow...? - too drunk to pay attention to what thread you're in, slappy? :rofl2:
Here's a spoiler for you TrumpTards: the articles of impeachment against Trump may never see the floor of the Senate.

Just because Pelosi Impeaches The Motherfucker, doesn't mean she has to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate.

Everyone knows Cocksucker McConnell is rigging the trial.

Trump will forever be stained with being officially Impeached by the House of Representatives.

And the Senate will never get the chance to acquit.

Suck on that, Orange Trump Swine. :rofl:

It's all going to work in Trump's favor in the end - guaranteed re-election, and two more Seats on the SCOTUS(thank God)
You brought up Biden, Dick. Tell us more about what it's like being a convicted felon. :rofl:

(Jesus Christ, he's so stupid... or drunk... though they're not mutually exclusive :rofl2:)

You are in the Biden thread posting about everything other than Biden, dipshit

Here, try this: "Biden's a pathetic scumbag that uses the tragic deaths of people close to him to advance his own meaningless, purposeless, self-serving political career."

That's how you do it, dumb-dumb :loveeyes:


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
(Jesus Christ, he's so stupid... or drunk... though they're not mutually exclusive

You are in the Biden thread posting about everything other than Biden, dipshit

Here, try this: "Biden's a pathetic scumbag that uses the tragic deaths of people close to him to advance his own meaningless, purposeless, self-serving political career."

That's how you do it, dumb-dumb

It's all germane, that you don't get topicality is relevant to your own lack of cogency. Here's another example-


I appreciate your efforts, Dick, but you're obviously ill equipped to the task you undertake. :rofl:
Joe Biden, in September, called it ‘totally irrational’ to allow church-goers to carry weapons

Biden called ‘pervert,’ told ‘don’t touch kids … the truth’s going to come out’ at campaign stop

IRS placed lien on Hunter Biden for over $112,000 in unpaid taxes from year he served on Burisma board
The man himself is as crooked as his smile. After all, why else would the media be wringing the alarm bell of corruption by showing this exam picture over and over again if they weren't trying to convince us of that.

Pics or it didn't happen, huh? Don't allow this to happen in 2020!



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
It's amusing and disgusting how Trump supporters can point at anyone and claim corruption, criminal intent, immorality or any other despicable thing with a straight face.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I would appreciate for you guys to make your arguments about what this thread was intended to:

Candidate Joe Biden in comparison to, as of now:


Michael Bennet (D)
Michael Bloomberg (D)
Cory Booker (D)
Pete Buttigieg (D)
John Delaney (D)
Tulsi Gabbard (D)
Amy Klobuchar (D)
Deval Patrick (D)
Bernie Sanders (I)[1]
Tom Steyer (D)
Elizabeth Warren (D)
Marianne Williamson (D)
Andrew Yang (D)


Roque De La Fuente (R)
Donald Trump (R)
Bill Weld (R)
Joe Walsh (R)

Yeah, why not also compare him to the republican candidates? As, right now, there are four of them. In the light of the ongoing Impeachment proceedings, and very possible future convictions, the current POTUS is not a 100% candidate at this point in time.
I would appreciate for you guys to make your arguments about what this thread was intended to:

Candidate Joe Biden in comparison to, as of now:

Real Clear Politics Poll - Jan 8, 2020

29.3 Biden
20.3 Sanders
14.8 Warren
7.5 Buttigieg
5.8 Bloomberg

Don't really see much point in comparing him to any of the other dems, who essentially have no chance of being the nominee :dunno:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Real Clear Politics Poll - Jan 8, 2020

29.3 Biden
20.3 Sanders
14.8 Warren
7.5 Buttigieg
5.8 Bloomberg

Don't really see much point in comparing him to any of the other dems, who essentially have no chance of being the nominee :dunno:

Sounds good to me. I think that Biden has the big bons he was part of the last, in direct comparison stable, sane and productive administration. Sanders had a great run with a very different, very grassroots financing, and was to be the actual Democrats candidate, had the DNC not cheated him out of winning the primaries. Warren is very specifically targetting consumer protection and making the financial sector fairer, and she has demonstrated well she is very capable.

As for Buttigieg and Bloomberg... am unsure
OK Sup.
You already know my position, I think.
Barring some kind of financial meltdown I think they're all in for a tough go; particularly Sanders and Warren.
Biden is past his prime but a mostly likable "known" among Americans and the least vulnerable to Trump's standard fear, loathing and "red scare" tactics.

I've been impressed with Mayor Pete, but again america is not going to elect a gay man president, so .... :dunno:

I should know a lot more about Bloomberg than I do. But I never actually thought he'd run so now I'll have to do some quick catching up.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Bloomberg at least has demonstrated in various fields he actually has the ability to create actual wealth, lead as a mayor, so he is able to work in a political administration, and he is an actual billionaire, not someone who just runs his mouth, but draws in his yellow tail, when he has to prove what he boasts about.

So he would not be a bad candidate or president, I think. It would be a negative issue that another member of the superwealthy circle gets the job.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Barring some kind of financial meltdown I think they're all in for a tough go; particularly Sanders and Warren.

I've been impressed with Mayor Pete, but again america is not going to elect a gay man president, so .... :dunno:

I think that you're right about that. But if we really look at it, isn't that also his claim to fame among many on the left? From a story I read on CNBC about a month ago, the Hollywood crowd was behind him more than any other candidate, once Kamala Harris dropped out - yet they seemed to either know very little about his positions (surprise... not!), or his positions weren't as far to the left as their own. But he checked the necessary LGB... er, A-Z box for them. I'm not going to say that those hypocritical, navel-gazing airheads are representative of rank & file Democrats (gosh, I hope not!), but much like the feminists who insisted that Hillary should be supported because simply she was a woman, there are those who would support Pete Buttigieg simply because he's a homosexual.

I personally can't say anything good or bad about him because I know almost nothing about him or his core positions. As businessmen, I'm more familiar with Bloomberg and Steyer - that I know less about Steyer would go in his favor versus Bloomy. And last, but not least, what I found really humorous about Andrew Yang was that a number of people (supposedly supporters) thought that he was the fellow who co-founded Yahoo!. Uh... that was Jerry Yang. :D

I also think that you're right about the economy being the biggest factor. For most people, that's what it comes down to... almost always has.