I have a collection of women's feet glued to my wall.
They smell so sexy during this time of year.
They smell so sexy during this time of year.
Why are some of you asshats so obssessed with women's feet?
I never got the attraction either. They're feet.
Yeah so? Why do all men love pretty legs? Theyre only legs... Thats a bs argument.
Yes they are. Especially these feet.
Foot me, baby!!! I wanna see yer tits...I mean feet!!! Yeah! Yer ass...I mean, feet, are sexy, baby! Let me squeeze your enormous, milky feet!!!
Feet are something that women have.
They walk on the motherfuckers. They aren't necessarily pretty things to me.
Some look better than others. And that French pedicure shit they are doing now is kinda trashy looking to me. Why does a woman want her toenails to look long. Looks like a fucking wildebeast .
If I see an attractive woman her feet better be in order. No cracked heels bunions corns. Just normal feet. I don't want to kiss them lick them any of that shit! I was gonna fuck a chick one night saw her feet were cracked and lost the mood. She was attractive other than that, big tits nice hair the feet were a deal breaker.
Fuck flip flops too. Women should wear sneakers or high heels. That's it.
You dipwads that think feet are sexual are a bunch of freaks.
And before you ask, yes I have drinkin'
yeah, what of it.
Thanks for listening.
Blue doesn't even post here anymore. Thank you for reviving the thread though.First of all: i just reported you for flaming. Second of all: women prefer foot men, simply because we are more creative, with way more focus on detail instead of you tits-n-ass-men who just ogle and grope. Women just happen to have a natural appreciation for men who can see beyond the obvious and can appreciate the finer points in life AND about a woman. Unlike you tits-n-ass-men we also respect women and objectify them less then you gropers and oglers. FACT! For you NOT to be able to see the beauty about a finely shaped female foot puts you right in the museum for natural history: the Neanderthal is extinct. Hellooo?!
Why do some of you asshats constantly need to question this??
And why do you care?
Breasts are something that women have.
They feed their babies with them. They aren't necessarily pretty things to me.
You dipwads that think breasts are sexual are a bunch of freaks.
Fixed.Never gay and post.
First of all: i just reported you for flaming. Second of all: women prefer foot men, simply because we are more creative, with way more focus on detail instead of you tits-n-ass-men who just ogle and grope. Women just happen to have a natural appreciation for men who can see beyond the obvious and can appreciate the finer points in life AND about a woman. Unlike you tits-n-ass-men we also respect women and objectify them less then you gropers and oglers. FACT! For you NOT to be able to see the beauty about a finely shaped female foot puts you right in the museum for natural history: the Neanderthal is extinct. Hellooo?!