who would you vote for as president of the WORLD?


Prince of the Rotten Milk
Silvio Berlusconi

no... wait...

Arnold Swarchenegger!


My Penis Is Dancing!
My penis. Makes all of my decisions, I'm sure it would do OK with worldly matters as well.
Blue, you already voted...are you flip-flopping?

You know, I hadn't even noticed. This thread seems so old that any memories of it had faded off into the abyss of my memory many moons ago. Funny thing is I was just about to make the exact same joke as I had done previously.....

I guess it's good I didn't do that now. It would mean you'd all find out I only have 4 jokes that I repeat ad nauseam.

But now that you know, sssshhhh! This is just between us ;)
You know, I hadn't even noticed. This thread seems so old that any memories of it had faded off into the abyss of my memory many moons ago. Funny thing is I was just about to make the exact same joke as I had done previously.....

I guess it's good I didn't do that know which would mean you'd all find out I only have 4 jokes that I repeat ad nauseam.

Four? I can only find three of them. I'm glad you've expanded your repertoire!