Who Would You Rather Live Next Door To?

Who Would You Rather Live Next Door To?

  • Sane Guy Who Makes Tons Of Noise

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Muted Catatonic That No One Has Ever Heard Utter A Sound

    Votes: 8 57.1%

  • Total voters

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
They have braille on the keypads of drive through ATMs...

May 24th... the drunkest of Canadian holidays, so named for the two-four, otherwise known as a case of 24 beers. Also known as "Victoria Day" after Queen Victoria. Basically it's an excuse to take the day off, get really drunk, and shoot off lots of fireworks. :D

Sounds like a lot of fun. Mind if I join?
Sounds like a lot of fun. Mind if I join?

Well, the celebrations in my immediate area are... kinda crappy. Honestly not worth the commute. I could probably point you in the direction of a few places that don't suck though...

Oh, and obviously that babe page link is not referring to the [NOBABE]Queen Victoria[/NOBABE] I was referring to. Pretty sure the holiday is not about her...

Saw a neighbors bush was on fire, from their house-sitters cigarette. So I put it out. I told them about it when they got home. It turns out one of them works for a winery and they keep bringing me liquid happiness. <3 I'll be on the lookout for flaming bushes from here on out!

I need more neighbors with booze supplies. Quiet ones or noisy ones. I will take either.

Flaming Bush! nudge, nudge, wink, wink ;)

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Well, the celebrations in my immediate area are... kinda crappy. Honestly not worth the commute. I could probably point you in the direction of a few places that don't suck though...

Oh, and obviously that babe page link is not referring to the [NOBABE]Queen Victoria[/NOBABE] I was referring to. Pretty sure the holiday is not about her...

Pffft. Fine, I see how you are.
Pffft. Fine, I see how you are.

Hey, I didn't say I wouldn't be willing to also go to that same place where the festivities don't suck! :D (seriously... they're really terrible here :()

On an unrelated note... I totally just discovered that my ophthalmologist's name is "Puma." Who names their kid Puma? :confused:


Closed Account
Don't forget the wine!

Actually, no. I don't like wine. Vodka please.

I don't drink that much anymore, apart from the occasional wine. But I'll buy some vodka on the way over. Ever tried Belgian beers?

What kind of neighbor would you guys be? To the west of me are the apartment people. I don't speak to them. To the east of me are the other homeowners like myself. They avoid me wishing I would finally shut the Hell up.

The quiet guy. I just say hello when I encounter someone in the hallway and leave everyone be. If someone needs help with anything they're always welcome to knock on my door and I'll gladly help out but that's it.

I'm to your west. Generally I'm pretty quiet, save for the nights you might hear my moans through the wall.

I once had this girl living above me who would scream the entire neighborhood awake when she had sex. There were even times I was vast asleep and woke op from the noise. Once there were even some guys outside on the street chearing her on! The thing is, it involved chains and sometimes bottles too as I could hear those things drop on the floor now and then. I was quite intrigued by that and always wondered what the heck was going on.

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
I don't drink that much anymore, apart from the occasional wine. But I'll buy some vodka on the way over. Ever tried Belgian beers?

I once had this girl living above me who would scream the entire neighborhood awake when she had sex. There were even times I was vast asleep and woke op from the noise. Once there were even some guys outside on the street chearing her on! The thing is, it involved chains and sometimes bottles too as I could hear those things drop on the floor now and then. I was quite intrigued by that and always wondered what the heck was going on.

Belgian beers? Can't say that I have.

And I'm really not quite that loud, I was just kidding... sort of. If the walls are thin enough, it's a definite possibility. I'm still not sure how my roommate has been able to put up with my constant sex and masturbation, as I'm sure he can most definitely hear it.
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 8018756, member: 579739"]Belgian beers? Can't say that I have.

Put this one item on your grocery list and head to the store. Refreshing like biting into a cold apple on a hot day.
