I plead the 5th...
oh look another retard. hey faggot how'd u like to get ur ass kicked too?
You are truly fuckin' hilarious!!! :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
oh look another retard. hey faggot how'd u like to get ur ass kicked too?
oh look another retard. hey faggot how'd u like to get ur ass kicked too?
mind ur own business. why are u butting in?
go ahead and Try Me. i would be doing the world a favor taking out your stupid ass. one less stupid jersey guido. hell ppl would thank me
You couldn't kick a fat lady's ass if it was 5 foot wide and handcuffed to a buffet dope!
obviously ur too stupid to know about abbreviationsMind my own business? lol, this thread IS my business.
By the way, because of the way you write and incorrectly spell words, I'm guessing you just turned 18.
All men that won't be pushed around. I see you like the limp wristed submissive type. That's ok, everyones got their "thing". Carry onTrump, Putin, Erdogan, Kim Jong Un, etc...
come to DC faggot. i will beat ur sorry ass to death with my bare fists u giant pussy
mind ur own business. why are u butting in?
oh look another retard. hey faggot how'd u like to get ur ass kicked too?
go ahead and Try Me. i would be doing the world a favor taking out your stupid ass. one less stupid jersey guido. hell ppl would thank me