I counted six rifles and zero sidearms (handgun) in those pictures. If you're going to insult me, at least have a clue what you're talking about when you do.
Bill Maher
Keith Olbermann
Sean Penn
Chris Matthews
Michael Moore
Barney Fwank
Dirty Harry Reid
Nancy Pelosi
Rahm Emanuel
Barbara Streisand
Sean Penn
Susan Sarandon
Matt Damon
Dr. Phil
Terrell Owens
Chad Johnson
Joe Paterno. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't hit me back.
Barbara Boxer
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Steven Tyler
Russell Brand
Keith Olberman
Janine Garofolo
Al Franken
Rick Perry
John Elway
Squally, the rules clearly stated politics or entertainment. But I would be glad to punch you in the balls.
sigmar gabriel