Cant believe no-one has said Kim Basinger either
i am too young , I just know this beautiful pornstar "ginger lynn"
if you have name of chics of the 80s or old movie who are very good , tell me :nanner:
I really don't feel like reading all the post so I will just say this. The girl from the
White Snake video Here I go Again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKTiwCez6Zs and
Warrant's Cherry Pie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdDxz2bkfhE
Two chick that as a 12-14 year old were Fuckin Smoking. 80's Hair Meat was awesome and you all know it.
I used to have a crush on Lita Ford. They would show her video on Headbangers ball all the time. The one where she was in the white spandex kinda pants with the black leather looking bikini type thing on top of it.......she was hot and that show was good back then. "kiss me deadly" I think was the name.The song was cheesy,I just wanted her.