Who were the hottest chics of the 80s?

Meg Ryan
Joan Severence
Gina Davis (watch the movie Transylvania 6500)


Closed Account
Don't forget about Rachel Ashley Whom by the way was the very first porn star I had ever seen.
i vote judy landers

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Deborah Foreman.

April Fools Day [original].
Sundown: The Vampire In Retreat.

Too name a couple of the movies she's been in.
I am amazed Sunset Thomas still working in the Ranches in Nevada in 2008-9 , not far away from Las Vegas.

I saw Ginger Lynn on tour in the 80's but she gained at least 25 lbs when I saw her few years back !

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I have to go with Christy Canyon. She's the only major porn star I've ever met. And I don't get star struck (I've met regular actors and entertainers over the years and I'm usually just sort of "eh" :dunno:). But when I met Christy back in the mid 90's... I could barely say my name for her to sign my autograph.


Wendy James from a band called Transvision Vamp , I used to think she was sooooo hot when I was a kid!!!!

Take it she was my first celeb crush :bowdown: