80% of the decent posters have left or very rarely post
I didn't know that walking the plank was a fantasy of yours. If you insist...
You conceited bastard....rep to you.
If there's one thing I hate about clicks, it's clicks.
So... are those like cliques, but different? I know they can be very pressing...
(see what I did there?)
:1orglaugh Damn!
Kind of like the people who use TO when they mean TOO.
Well yeah I made a mistake. So fucking sue me clique-ster.
I miss Satyricon and Torres.
How about AmericanHarley, Nightfly (somewhere I read that he had passed away ) or, love him or hate him, McRocket? More recently, SgtMarine cut a blue streak through here for a couple of weeks as I recall.
Ahhh, they come and they go. Like the sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. :1orglaugh
foxe------ as well. As far apart as I was from him in so many discussions he was at least relatively good at grammar and a relatively likable poster.
How about AmericanHarley, Nightfly (somewhere I read that he had passed away ) or, love him or hate him, McRocket? More recently, SgtMarine cut a blue streak through here for a couple of weeks as I recall.
Ahhh, they come and they go. Like the sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. :1orglaugh
I'm not too sure. When I first signed on here I only posted a few in the babe section and left for about a year and a half coming back every now and again. I vaguely remember them.
As for SgtMarine I believe he was that Army lad JasonK280 something along that line. They are both banned. I believe Jason was SgtMarine and both accounts are banned now due to multiple account usage and abusing forums.
I also miss Pornophile. He was funny and I always found his pedobear illustrations hilarious that he'd use for his avatar. He is in deep territory of Banland.
certainly been a fine user over the years!